Small towns' mayors praise new Government's changes to the budgets for territorial communities at UNDP-backed conference

07.07.2009   11:23
Ukrayinka (Kyiv Region), July 6-7: To support local self-governance, 311 mayors representing small municipalities and settlements have discussed methods to improve development of small municipalities through the mechanism of private-public partnership at All-Ukrainian Conference, held by Association of Small municipalities in cooperation with UN Development Programme, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Royal Norwegian Embassy and German Technical Cooperation.
Three quarters of Ukrainian municipalities are qualified as 'small towns' with population less than 50,000 dwellers. Small municipalities make the largest group of municipalities according to size and large majority of them are administrative centers of the rayons. Overall, 22 mn Ukrainians are related to small towns in one way or another.  As the conference participants say, these municipalities are the country's most depressive regions, while solving their problems have been based on a 'leftover principle' for many years.
During the meeting with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the mayors of small municipalities and representatives of local executive bodies discussed numerous problems the communities face in small municipalities. Also, the mayors proposed adding specific measures into the State Programme for development of small municipalities, adopted in 2004.
Yulia Tymoshenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine. expressed support for measures aimed at fiscal decentralisation and strict redistribution of state budget funds from central level to local level. She pointed out the importance of adoption of Law "On Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine" on villages, settlements and municipalities of district importance which envisage substantial increases of budget for local development, introducing direct intergovernmental relations with all local budgets.
The new Budget Code, proposed by the Government, envisages reimbursement of 50% of extra revenues based on national list of indicators of taxes and duties. According to the Prime Minister the innovations will radically change the budget process at the local level with a total number of budgets of territorial communities increasing from around 700 to over 12,000. "If we change nothing for communities - we will not change Ukraine", said Yulia Tymoshenko.
The mayors came up with a list of main problems hindering the development of local self-government in the regions. Foremost, they called for regulating intergovernmental fiscal relations and President's adopting the new version of Budget Code with the amendments suggested by the Government. Also, they drew attention to the existing problems of land resource management, communal and housing economy, adoption of typical HR table of personnel organization for city councils and called to return to majoritarian system of elections to the city councils.
UNDP implements nationwide community self-empowerment and regeneration initiatives, contributing to the country's sustainable local development. UNDP supports regional and district institutions by developing and maintaining multi-lateral partnerships between communities, central and local governments, private sector and international donors to make a tangible difference to the lives of the local communities.
During the All-Ukrainian Conference of Association of small municipalities, the partners of UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme (UNDP/MGSDP) presented their first-hand experience in applying private-public mechanisms and community-based approach for improving the lives of their citizens.
During 2004-2009 the Programme has supported 176 community projects with a total cost of UAH 20 mn. The projects are being implemented in close cooperation with local authorities and communities in 26 partner municipalities. The experience of UNDP/MGSDP in implementing such initiatives jointly with local councils shows that local authorities play active role in strengthening local self-governance, furthering decentralization and implementing broadened responsibilities.
Ukrainian Prime Minister suggested looking at the international standards, namely Municipal Services Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000, when composing the new HR typical tables for organising city councils' charts.
Incidentally, UNDP helped Voznesensk towm council pilot the chart in 2007-2008. In order to assess the results of introduction of quality management system, the surveys of public opinion were conducted in 2007, 2008 and beginning of 2009 and the results show gradual growth of satisfaction with the quality of municipal services delivered by executive committee of the city council after the ISO 9001:2000 system introduction.
Vasyl Fedorov, First Deputy of Voznesensk city mayor presented the benefits for city administration personnel and population. "In line with constant improving of local governance system we have amended local legislative acts to bring up to date the quality of administrative services. We also improved the work of our information centre, taking into consideration the wishes voiced by the local people. Also, we have updated the "Policy of Quality of Executive Bodies in Voznesensk City Council" by adding twelve European good governance principles there", Vasyl Fedorov said.
For more details, please, contact, Galyna Gulenko, Monitoring and Communications Officer of UNDP/MGSDP, by tel. (+8044) 5014203 or via e-mail: galyna.gulenko at

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