The contest is announced in context of the joint project of “Coca Cola” company and UNDP - “Every Drop Matters”

10.03.2011   09:23
Kyiv, March 9: The United Nations Development Programme and “Coca-Cola” company in Ukraine (in context of TM BonAqua) announced a contest in context of the Project "Every Drop Matters". The aim of the competition is to mobilise local communities to participate in initiatives aimed at preserving and protection of water resources of the country and raise awareness on conservation and rational use of water resources. In context of the contest it is expected that the community will select a natural spring, rehabilitate it and turn it into recreational area with joint efforts of the community under support from UNDP.
In context of a global project of UNDP and “Coca-Cola” company in Ukraine, UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme" announced a competition among partner municipalities and settlements for participating in the project "Every Drop Matters"(EDM).
The aim of the competition is to mobilise local communities to participate in initiatives aimed at preserving and protection of water resources of the country and raise awareness  on conservation and  rational use of water resources.
Major components of the Project “Every Drop Matters” are the following:
1. Organisation of the trainings for responsible attitude to water resources among pupils and teachers of the local schools;
2. Organisation of communication and PR activities, information campaigns at the local level;
3. Capacity development of local communities on implementation of initiatives for sustainable development through revival of natural springs and creating recreation zones around them (community projects).
The educational component is one of the major components of "EDM" in Ukraine, which aims to strengthen socially responsible behavior among youth on environmental protection and water preservation, as well as a sense of personal responsibility and care about nature and water resources in particular.
In context of education for adults, the trainings for teachers and school community members will be held on the following topics: clean water - a source of survival, preservation and protection of natural water resources and environment, planning further actions for the change of individual behavior on rational use of water resources. Trainings will be  held in each of 29 partner municipalities and settlements of the Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme", based on the desire of the municipality/settlement  to organise  such training.
The training for youth aims  to nurture proper attitude to water preservation and protection. The purpose of educational activities is to train young people to care about the water resources and their preservation.  It will include a series of theoretical and practical trainings for pupils of junior to senior classes. The curriculum includes lessons at schools, held by the expert as well as distance learning and contest of the best initiatives (projects).
Owing to information component of the Project, the municipalities will have an opportunity to organise information campaign using video, big-boards etc.
The school communities selected based on open contest will have an opportunity to implement  community projects for revival of unique natural springs and creation of recreation zones around them.
At the end of the project, all school communities will be assessed based on indicators of active participation in classes, the highest scores on practical lessons, and most creative approach to rehabilitation of the spring (design of recreation area, official launching programme, participation of the children etc.). Best school community will be awarded a study trip to Kyiv with the visit of the Kyiv  Water Information Center, Business Centre of the United Nations Office in Ukraine and “Coca-Cola” company.
For more information, please contact Project Coordinator Tatyana Kudina at: tatyana.kudina at and by tel.: +38 (044) 253-93-63 or Local Development Specialist of UNDP/MGSDP Olga Osaulenko by tel.:  +38 (044) 584-34-75.
For rules of the contest can be found at the following link.

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