5 community projects successfully implemented in Yevpatoriya

22.07.2011   12:49

20 July, Yevpatoriya: During the working visit to the central office of the “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme”, Sergiy Shevskiy, chief specialist of the department for strategic planning, investment policy and foreign relations of Yevpatoriya City Council, presented the information about results of successful implementation of 5 community project in Yevpatoriya municipality (AR Crimea). Projects were approved for implementation in 2010 and were the first-time experience of local communities’ partnership with UNDP.

Partnership Agreement between UNDP project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable development Programme” and Yevpatoriya City Council was signed on 18 September 2009 (programme approved by the decision of Yevpatoriya City Council dated 26.02.2010 р. № 5-58/7). The purpose of this partnership was to provide support to the citizens’ organizations (communities) in implementation of their projects aimed at strengthening the participatory local self-government for further increasing the level of quality of life in the city.


Specialists of the municipal support unit which functions are designated in Yevpatory to the department for strategic planning, investment policy and foreign relations started active work with the local citizens.


Today in Yevpatoriya we have 1206 multiapartment houses with 31500 apartments, 17 secondary educational institutions where over 9900 children study, and 18 kindergartens attended by more than 3200 children. So, the social mobilization process, or active involvement of citizens to active participation in decision-making on local development, has great perspectives; that’s enough work for a long future, - Sergiy Shevsky, chief specialist of the department, says.


In 2010, five local community projects were approved for implementation:

  • Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Budivelnyk” – «Replacement of old pipes of hot water supply and heating systems»
  • Civil Society Organisation “Pikluvalna Rada Yevpatorijskogo navchalno-vyhovnogo kompleksu “Shkola No 14 – Litsei” – “Capital repair of toilets, replacement of water supply and sewage systems’ old pipes»
  • Civil Society Organisation “Pikluvalna Rada “Turbota” of school No 12 – «Replacement of heating system old pipes in basement»
  • Civil Society Organisation “Opikunska Rada “Spektr” of school No 11 – «Replacement of heating system old pipes in the 1st floor pipe duct»
  • Civil Society Organisation “Opikunska Rada “Spryjannia” Gimnazii No 8” – «Capital repair of toilets, replacement of water supply and sewage systems’ old pipes»

Total project cost is 547’309 UAH, or 68’585 USD, 10% of which is the own contribution of the community, and the city council and UNDP/MGSDP from the fund of Canadian International Development Agency contributed 45% each. By 14th July 2011 all projects were successfully implemented. 8999 persons benefited from them, to include 2680 men, 3343 women and 2976 children.


Due to realization of these projects, communities learned to define priorities of their own development, plan their implementation, as well as mobilize resources for solving social, economic and environmental problems. City council includes these priorities into the city-level development plans and, thus, decision-making on local sustainable development happens fully by principle “bottom-up”.


Results of project implementation must have the tangible social and economic effect; not less than 80% of community members must participate in the activity and interests of the low-income families and those of the people with special needs must be considered. Community organization ensures sustainability of the obtained results (operates and maintains the asset at its own cost and accumulates funds required for its further repair).


More information about it can be viewed in the article of T.Dugil’ from the local newspaper «Yevpatoriyskaya zdravnitsa» dated 16.02.2011 (see section «Media about Us» on our web-site) http://msdp.undp.org.ua/data/files/Yevpatoriya%20news%20001.pdf

On the photos - washbasins at school #14 of Yevpatoriya municipality before and after project implementation.


For more details contact Leonid Tulovsky, UNDP/MGSDP Quality Management Officer, by telephone (044) 584-34-75,  begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting584-34-76end_of_the_skype_highlighting or via e-mail: leonid.tulovsky@undp.org.ua



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