UNDP/MSDP Supports the Education for Sustainable Development

14.11.2005   14:57
On October, 25th Mykola Polonsky, Human Resource Development Expert, and Olena Ursu, Monitoring and Communication Officer of MSDP, participated in the workshop on education for sustainable development organised by the Department of International Relations and UN Publications of V.Vernadskyy National Library with participation of 2 UNDP projects - Municipal Sustainable Development Programme and Social Security for Ukrainian Youth. It was held in the premises of the UN Publications Hall of V.Vernadskyy National Library of Ukraine. 35 informational packages (publications on SD basic terminology, and Johannesburg Plan for SD) was also disseminated among the participants
Mr. I. Yermakov, the research worker of the Institute for Pedagogics, initiated the workshop with the idea of necessity to develop the quality competence-based education for achieving the sustainable development.
It was followed by Mr. M. Polonsky, the Human Resource Development Expert of MSDP/UNDP, who presented the issues of sustainable development, its principles and role of academic institutions in their implementation (see the photo). Mrs. Olena Ursu, the Monitoring and Communication Officer of MSDP, shared the experience of the Programme gained in the pilot municipalities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, and Zhytomyr, on cooperation with schools, activities of the school network created within the framework of the Programme, and the progress gained by them so far.
 Mrs. Olena Lokshyna, the Expert on Monitoring and Analytical Studies of "Social Security for Ukrainian Youth", talked about the youth politics, concrete specialised publications and programmes for youth.
Mrs. Nadiya Strishenets, the Head of the Department of International Relations and UN Publications of V.Vernadskyy National Library of Ukraine, closed the session by interaction with the participants about the Depositary of UN in Ukraine, and showed them around the exhibition of UN publications displayed in the hall to commemorate the 60-th anniversary of UN.
Over 40 deputy school directors of Pecherskyy rayon of Kyiv or their representatives came to receive new knowledge about the sustainable development. They will bring the message on education for sustainable development to their school communities – teachers, students, and parents.

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