Ukraine’s response to climate change challenges

28.09.2011   06:45
September 19 – 22. Bratislava, Slovakia. Representatives of the United Nations in Ukraine and 16 other countries participated in a forum on climate change. The participants represented their own experiences on prevention and management of climate change locally and disucssed new approaches and possible solutions.
With technological progress world more often faces climate change and its challenges for the planet and human beings. In general climate change , or global heating is a natural process, which is fringtening mainly because of influence of human beings via gas emissions.   Increased concentration of gas results from burn of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and forests destruction.
What are the real challenges of climate change? Contrary to false understanding of this notion, climate change will not only result into increased temperature, but will also cause droughts, hurricanes, floods and unusual temperature changes.
The problem is no longer just ecological in the world. It relates more to social and economic as it has a direct impact on agriculture and migration.
Among a large number of initiatives toward climate change management the Kyoto protocol should be mentioned. It regulates norms of gas emissions in economically-developed countries. In 2004 Ukraine joined initiative, and ratified the Kyoto protocol and taking over responsibilities to control emissions at the level of 1990ies through 2012.
Ukraine also actively participates in international meetings, forums and other events on climate change. From 19 to 22 such a meeting was held in Bratislava within the framework of the UNDP and drew participants from 15 European countries and USA. The meeting aimed at ensuring clear understanding of climate change science and likely impacts of climate change in the region. The meeting was kicked off by presentations of participants and discussion of situation and effots directed towards prevention of climate changes locally. The meeting also enabled to exchange experience in energy efficiency, eco-systems management and climate challenges.
Within the framework of the meeting a partnership project of the UNDP and NALAS was presented. The participants learned its approaches in climate changes prevention. Among them:
-          Creation of local integrated response network
-          Inter-municipal Cooperation
-          Community Engagement
At the meeting Ukraine was presented by Oksana Remiga, UNDP Senior Programme Manager and Iryna Skaliy, UNDP MGSDP Project Manager. According to Iryna Skaliy, climate change mainly influences the Carpathians, causing huger and stronger floods every year. She also believes that climate change will have its impact on central and east Ukraine, resulting in droughts and lack of potable water.
According to oksana Remiga, the Bratislava event not only helps to consolidate efforts towards problem solution, but also elaborate common approaches and mechanisms to prevent from climate change in every country.
The event resulted in action plans for organizations within local authorities in order to improve their ability to help local authorities to manage climate change results.
Presentations from the event are available on the following link.
For detailed information please refer to Iryna Skaliy, UNDP MGSDP Project Manager

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