UNDP and the Academy of Municipal Administration present educational course and manual “Sustainable Development of Society”

28.10.2011   07:25
27 October, Kyiv: The Academy of the Municipal Administration together with the UNDP Project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme” (UNDP/MGSDP) presented the joint development – educational course and manual “Sustainable Development of Society”. The second edition of the manual, developed under the financial support of the Swiss Confederation, in 2011 was recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine for teaching in high educational institutions.

On October 27 the Academy of Municipal Administration (AMA) hosted presentation of the educational course and manual “Sustainable Development of Society”. This educational course, developed within the framework of the UNDP/MGSDP, has been taught in the AMA since 2007 and reflect idea, vitality, reasons and prerequisites for sustainable development, UN system’s role in solving the global human problems, value of sustainable development for economic growth, introduction of sustainable development principles in Ukraine, opportunities to using the tool of social mobilization for local sustainable development and existing experience of fostering fundamentals of sustainable development.
The event drew over 70 academicians from higher educational institutions of entire Ukraine, having their own experiences in teaching sustainable development or/and interested in launching practices of sustainable development, representatives of the United Nations Development Programme, Swiss Cooperation Office and public organizations working in the area. Every participant received a copy of the manual.
The presentation saw participation of Tamara Ivanova - Vice-Rector of the AMA on educational-pedagogic work, Elena Panova - UNDP Deputy Country Director, Guido Beltrani - SDC Country Director, Iryna Skaliy - UNDP/MGSDP Project Manager, Jaysingh Sah - UNDP and International Project Manager of the EU project “CBA-II” and others.
Opening the event, Elena Panova stressed the importance of cooperation with higher educational institutions for promoting education for sustainable development. She congratulated the AMA for its efforts and leading role in developing the educational course “Sustainable Development of Society”, including it into curricula of the AMA and receiving approval from the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports for further teaching in higher educational institutions.
Guido Beltrani, SDC Country Director addressed the participants with the following words: “The Swiss support focuses on the introduction of new effective mechanisms of participatory local self-government and on the establishment of quality management systems for municipal services in accordance with international standards. This enables the engagement of communities into local decision-making. People’s engagement is a key factor for sustainable development: engaged people believe in the future, in a better future. Another key factor for sustainable development is education. Education increases our knowledge, and changes also our attitudes. Further education for public officials and elected members of local self-government bodies in the area of sustainable development undoubtedly contributes to ensuring good governance”.
Presenting the second edition of the manual, Anatoliy Sadovenko treated the participants into pre-history of creation the educational course, which goes back to 2006 by foundation of the National Forum of Partner Universities of the UNDP/MGSDP. Altogether they developed the first educational course “Sustainable Development of Society” in which “Social Mobilization for Sustainable Development” became an integral part.

For the first time in Ukraine the Academy of Municipal Administration included the course of sustainable development into its curricula, enabling students to learn about practical aspects of decentralization, democratic governance, concept of community development, mechanisms of community involvement in local self-government, meets the term “Social mobilization” and seizes an opportunity to undergo internship in local municipal departments. During 2007-2010 the AMA actively shared experience with other academia during educational visits and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences, collecting reflections and recommendations of other scientists and experts on improvement of the course. On August 4, 2011 the Ministry of the Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine approved the course for teaching in high educational institutions.

A special attention during the event was paid to contribution and successful practices of higher educational institutions in reaching objectives of the UN Decade of education for sustainable development. The declaration reflects common vision of state leaders on education as a key tool to solve the following problems of sustainable development: poverty reduction, rural areas’ development, health protection, ecological problems resolution, balanced use of natural resources and others. Education for sustainable development is a new approach to organization of educational process, aimed at informing society about problems of sustainable development and formation of values and ideology towards balanced use of resources.
The event resulted in encouraging representatives of high educational institutions by the UNDP and SDC to undertake the presented experience and contribute into reaching the goals of 2005-2015 UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Young professionals, civil and municipal servants with the respective knowledge were invited to participate and support sustainable development projects of the community organizations in villages and cities of Ukraine.

For detailed information –please refer to MGSDP Communications Officer Olga Romaniv olga.romaniv@undp.org.ua or by telephone 063 350 43 92

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