Awareness campaigns in context of the Project “Every Drop Matters" will be held in 11 municipalities: Winners of the competition announced

09.02.2012   14:22
February 10, Kyiv: The results of the competition of information campaigns aimed at promoting sustainable management of water resources in cities of Ukraine are summarised. The contest is organised in context of joint projects of  UN Development Programme and “Coca-Cola Ukraine” company called “Every Drop Matters”. The Project Selection Committee supported 10 project proposals submitted by Civil Society Organisations from partner municipalities of UNDP Project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme” (UNDP/MGSDP).  Awareness campaigns will draw attention of local communities to the problem of limited water resources of good quality in the cities of Ukraine and the importance of careful and responsible attitude to water.
During February-March 2012 awareness campaigns will be implemented in municipalities of  Hola Prystan`, Voznesensk (Mykolaiv region), Ukrainka (Kyiv Region), Novograd-Volynskiy, Zhytomyr, Vinnitsya, Tulchyn, Mogyliv-Podilskiy, Kalynivka, (Vinnitsa Region), Ivano-Frankivsk, Dolyna (Ivano-Frankivsk Region). 
The following SCOs became the winners:
1) SCO "Molodizhnyi Club" Galaktyka", Ukrayinka, Project" Information campaign to promote the rational management of water resources",
2) SCO " School Network, Hola Prystan "Natchnennya", Project "Every Drop Matters";
3) SCO "School Network Novograd – Volynskiy“, the Project "Water - the basis of life ",
4) Vinnytsya Regional NGO "Vinnitsa Press Club”, Project" Effective use of water - the way to Europe", 5) ) Vinnystya Regional Charitable Organisation, “Zdorova Naciya”, Project “Water is Life”,
6) Vinnitsa Oblast Committee of Youth Organizations, Project "Environmental Education and Training",
7) Cossack Naval School "Sokil" Voznesensk, Project "Sokolyna Sich";
 8) Zhytomyr Oblast Youth NGO "Molodizhnyi Format," Project "Information campaign " Every Drop Matters ",
 9) SCO "Centre for Municipal and Regional Development - Resource Center ", Ivano-Frankivsk, project"Raising Awareness of Ivano-Frankivsk residents  on  rational water resources management”.
10) SCO “Center for Reforms  Support and Development” , Dolyna, Project «Let`s save water for life»
In the next few days, the communities will finalise the project applications considering the recommendations of the Project Selection Committee and submit them for final approval.
The activities of the awareness campaigns will inform residents of cities / settlements on the problem of limited natural water resources and induce them to treat water more carefully and responsibly.

The  winners  plan to engage the pupils, teachers and residents of apartment buildings of towns and villages into activities. Communities plan to inform the residents of the cities through dissemination of leaflets, monthly bulletins, booklets, street-boards.  Some communities plan to produce and broadcast educational audio and video clips at local TV stations. School workshops and seminars, conferences, brain-rings, debates and competitions for schoolchildren will be held.  Some communities plan to clean the banks of the local rivers and organise sociologic survey.

On February 24, UNDP/MGSDP will held the orientation training for representatives of community-winners. The participants will learn more about the project "Every Drop Matters", its objectives, requirements for implementation of information campaigns and reporting.

The first successful information campaign in context of "Every Drop Matters" Project was held in Rubizhne (Luhansk Region) in 2011. Campaign "Drop to drop - the future for a man" was a huge success in the city owing to efforts of local  communities and teachers. The campaign was initiated by Iryna Bozhych, Municipal Project Coordinator. The campaign organised by Department of Local Initiatives of Rubizhne City Council included a environmental game -research, "Water! How much this sound embraces”, children holiday "Big rivers, small rivers and seas – all exist for a  reason", regional scientific conference " Drop to drop - the future for a man”, municipal competition of drawing for children "Me and good water", urban competition for a calendar design  for 2012, "Water - source of life." A video on the activities of the campaign was created.
For more details, please, contact Galyna Smirnova, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Officer, by tel: (044) 584-34-75    or e-mail:

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