The communities participated in the training on implementing awareness campaigns

27.02.2012   14:00
 February 24, Kyiv: The seminar was held for 20 representatives of Civil Society Organisations, implementing awareness campaigns  in partner municipalities on UNDP/MGSDP in context of the joint Project of UN Development Programme and Coca-Cola Company (under support of TN “BonAqua”) called “Every Drop Matters”. The participants got familiarised with history and results of the Project “Every Drop Matters” and received methodical information for implementing awareness campaigns. 
 There are no doubts that water is a limited resource. Water cannot be replaced with anything else and therefore it is unique. In order to sustain life, human body needs 2-3 liters of water per day. However, the average resident of Ukrainian municipality uses 330 liters of water from the system of centralized water supply per day. It is twice as much as in European countries. To raise awareness on the rational treatment of water resources information campaigns will be held  in 11 municipalities in context of the Project  "Every Drop Matters".

On February 24 UNDP Project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme” organized a training for 20 representatives of SCOs implementing awareness campaigns. The participants were welcomed by Iryna Skaliy, Project Manager of UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme" and Olga Chumak, media relations manager of the company "Coca-Cola Ukraine", which demonstrated the video on production of natural drinking water BonAqua.
During the training, the  participants got familiarized with the Project "Every Drop Matters", some aspects of the communication component of the Project and experience of successful implementation of information campaign "Drop to drop - the Future for a Man" in Rubizhne.

At the seminar, Igor Sushchenko, Executive Director of All-Ukrainian Charity Organisation "Teachers for Democracy and Partnership" held an interactive training "The importance of responsible attitude to water. Changing daily habits associated with water. "
The aim of "Every Drop Matters" Project  is in tune with the theme  of "Rio +20" - a short name of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, Twenty years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio.  
The official discussions will focus on two main  themes: How to build a green economy to achieve  sustainable development and lift people out of  poverty, including support for developing countries that will allow them to find a green path for  development; and how to improve international  coordination for sustainable development.

For Ukraine - a historic chance to determine its path towards a sustainable future - a future with a sufficient number of jobs, a cleaner energy, safer and more dignified standard of living for all people on the planet.

Information campaigns in the partner municipalities will be held under the umbrella of the Rio +20.

Photos from the seminar can be viewed here
For more details, please, contact Galyna Smirnova, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Officer, by tel: (044) 584-34-75    or e-mail:

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