The problems of Solid Waste Management will be solved in Tulchyn Rayon

28.03.2012   11:01

March 28, Tulchyn (Vinnytsia region): To solve the problem of accumulation of solid waste (SW) in  Tul'chyn rayon inter-municipal project to introduce an integrated approach to the treatment of MSW is introduced. The project is implemented  by  Tulchyn rayon state administration, by  Tulchyn rayon  council, Suvorivske and Kynashivske village councils with the support of Swiss-Ukrainian project "Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine" and the UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme". In March 2012  an information campaign "Less waste - better life" was  launched  which aims to reduce the volume of waste generated by local  residents.


To date, the problem of solid household wastes treatment is a priority problem to many of Ukraine’s administrative and territorial units. In case of Tulchyn district (with the population close to 55 thousand residents) it is indeed urgent. The sanitary situation  is worsening in  most of  this district  towns and villages:  the new unsanctioned landfills  are still  emerging, while the existent  landfill site  has almost exhausted its potential, as  it is already  filled by 99  percent.

Every year 30,2 thousand of m3 of wastes is brought to this landfill, which is located 1 km from the town of Tulchyn.  The landfill was put into operation back in 1990, with 20 years of its term of service.  As of to date, it is already overloaded, the wastes are piled up without any assortment and decontamination.  On top of that, the state of the landfill access roads is unsatisfactory.
The Project covers 26 thousand of residents in the communities which are very close to each other. For the reason of location proximity it is natural for these communities to join their efforts in the SHW management project. 
To solve the problem of overloaded landfill and ever increasing amount of wastes the Inter municipal project on integrated approach to solid household treatment is implemented in Tulchyn district. The Project is implemented by Tulchyn district state administration, Tulchyn  district council, Tulchyn municipal, Suvoriv and Kynashiv village municipals  with the  support of  the Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support Project in Ukraine and  UNDP Project  «Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme» The Project is funded by the Swiss Confederation.
As a part to the inter-municipal Project a sociological survey was held in the targeted communities starting January 10 through 14, 2012.  According to the survey results 150 residents, 99% of respondents are convinced in the landfill’s negative effect on the environment, and indicated all the factors behind such influence. About 50% of the surveyed residents of multi apartment buildings and 90% of those residing in private houses are ready   to sort the garbage at home, if the containers for garbage segregation are provided.  
A step by step procedure is used for integrated planning of solid wastes treatment in Tulchyn district. The district residents are engaged throughout all the stages of Project implementation. Integrated approach application implies a step by step decisions making process by the  Steering committee  and  local task force,   which will factor  in the  positions of all the partners  and the aspect of   particular importance,  in order to ensure the Project success, sustainability and  its  positive impact on the district  environment and  economic situation.
As of to date the Report on the alternative options of household solid wastes treatment in Tulchyn region was prepared. The report will be used as a basis to prepare the District strategy of HSW treatment   and the Action plan for its implementation. It is expected that  the Project implementation will resolve the problem  of waste treatment  in the district,  will  improve the environment  and present the  model  which could be used  in other Ukrainian regions. 
The Information campaign  “Less garbage-  better life”  aiming at changing the  habitual household  behavior  of the district residents  in favor of more rational use of resources,  and reducing the amount of  wastes by means of its segregated collection,  will  be launched in the targeted communities  in March.
The campaign  will use a phased approach  to focus the residents attention at such concepts as  refraining  from the use of one-time plastic packaging,  encouraging the multiple use of things, processing of the raw materials, the  need for  garbage pressing  and  piling up, and  organic wastes composting.
The Information campaign  will include  the  information  and  motivational meetings on  the responsible  treatment of  HSW with the participation  of  representatives of local authorities and municipalities,  retail chains, socially responsible  businesses and community members. In order  to teach  the school children  the skills  of rational  treatment  of garbage  their teachers will be invited to participate  in the seminars  on  teaching methodologies to be  applied to present the topic  “Wastes”  included in the course  on “Lessons in sustainable development”. Such lessons are recommended to be held in all the schools of the district. Also, the thematic billboards, motivation posters will be placed in the targeted communities, articles will appear in the mass media outlets and some pieces will be shown in TV programs.  We are inviting all the Tulchyn district residents to join the campaign «Less garbage – better life! »! For more details on the campaign events, please visit   the Tulchyn municipal website ( the heading «Inter municipal project on integrated approach to HSW management ».

For more details, please, contact Galyna Smirnova, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Officer, by tel: (044) 584-34-75    or e-mail: 


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