The Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Construction and Local Self-Governance under UNDP support held discussions on the Draft Law "On Service in Local Self- Government Bodies"

26.04.2012   15:42

April 25, Kyiv: Draft Law "On Service in Local Self- Government Bodies" (registration number 9673, new edition, presented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine) was discussed at the round table organized by the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Construction and Local Self-Governance. Over 60 participants, including MPs from various committees, representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, associations of local Self- Government Bodies, Ukrainian and international experts participated in the discussion. UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme" funded by the Swiss Confederation supported the round table.


The Law is extremely important for all local communities in Ukraine, for service in local government determines the effectiveness of local government in general. Adoption of the Law will affect more than 100 000 local government officials and their families in Ukraine.
The purpose of the draft Law is to update the methodological and regulatory foundation of legal support services in local government that will build in Ukraine professional and efficient service in local government that will ensure efficient operation of local governments and provide quality services to citizens.
 Sergiy Malikov, Chairman of the State Fund for Local Self-Government in Ukraine called for the resumption of effective communication with all stakeholders on the Draft Law. Mr. Malikov said that the Law should not worsen the working conditions of employees of local governments.
  Conclusion of Central Scientific Experts Office of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine stated that the draft contains a number of important innovations, among which are: a new division of posts in local government into groups and subgroups; requirements for political neutrality of the local self-government servants; requirements for professional competence of the person who applies for positions in local self-government bodies, the selection procedures; novelties about remuneration, bonuses and promotion, as well as disciplinary and material responsibility.


In general discussion participants paid attention to the need to leave the service in local government independent from state authorities, and promote the independence of local self-governance.
The round table was held under support of the UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme", which main partners are local authorities self-governance bodies, the Council of Europe Program "Strengthening Local Democracy and Support of Local Government Reforms in Ukraine", the Swiss-Ukrainian project " Support for Decentralization in Ukraine” and  Parliamentary Development Project II.
For more information, contact Galyna Smirnova, Monitoring and Communications Officer, tel. (044) 584-34-75 or e-mail: galyna.smirnova at

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