40 representatives of school communities met Olivier Adam, Coordinator of UN System, UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine

02.05.2012   13:33


April 27-28, Kyiv: 40 students and teachers from six cities, representing school communities - winners of the project Every Drop Matters, visited Kyiv. During their stay in Kyiv the guests visited UN Agency Office in Ukraine, where they met Olivier Adam, Coordinator of the UN System, UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, the Coca-Cola company plant and Kyiv Water Information Centre.

UNDP in Ukraine and the Coca-Cola Company with the support of the TM BonAqua are implementing in Ukraine the project “Every Drop Matters” in order to support: a) renewal and protection of natural water sources, b) promotion of communities' self-organisation through joint actions, and c) raising awareness of the young people concerning preservation and protection of natural water resources and environment.

In 2011-2012 the project “Every Drop Matters” was being implemented in the cities within the UNDP Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme. During 2011-2012 implementation of 10 community projects to renew natural water sources in 6 cities of Ukraine was supported, namely in Ivano-Frankivsk, Dolyna (Ivano-Frankivsk Region), Novograd-Volynskyi (Zhytomyr Region), Rivne, Zhytomyr and Tulchyn (Vinnytsia Region). 

The project included training on the rational treatment of water resources in order to enhance socially responsible behavior among the young in their attitude to the environment as well as to foster personal responsibility and care for the nature and water resources. Communities renewed natural sources of water on their own.

April 27-28, Kyiv: 40 students and teachers from six cities, representing school communities  - winners of the project “Every Drop Matters”, visited Kyiv. During their stay in Kyiv the guests visited UN Agency Office in Ukraine, where they met Olivier Adam, Coordinator of the UN system, UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJLtEeHFJOc&feature=youtu.be) “75% of the sources of Ukrainian water resources come from other countries. Unfortunately some of this water is being polluted by pesticides and industry. I am very pleased with the fact that you take part in the renewal of natural water sources to give people access to clean drinking water in their communities: - Mr. Adam observed.

During the meeting Tetyana Kudina, “Every Drop Matters” Project Coordinator, presented  UNDP work in Ukraine and Victoria Andievska made and interesting presentation of the UN system for the children.

Afterwards the participants visited the Coca-Cola company plant situated near the village of Velyka Dymerka in Brovary District of Kyiv Region. The guests saw with their own eyes how 12 bottling lines are working, and during their visit to the Coca-Cola museum they got acquainted with the Coca-Cola brand history.

On the 28th of April the guests visited Kyiv Water Information Centre, a modern interactive museum where attention is focused on the new approaches to environmental issues, experiments and models to promote changes in the structure of water consumption and habits of people. Children were also invited to participate in the city tour.


Photos of the visit are available here


For more information, contact Galyna Smirnova, Monitoring and Communications Officer, tel. (044) 584-34-75 or e-mail: galyna.smirnova at undp.org.ua

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