Municipal communities present their experience of self-organisation to J.Christen, UNDP Advisor

13.12.2005   16:40
In the framework of the Independent Assessment Mission to MSDP during December 5-12th, Mr. J.Christen, UNDP Advisor, visited the partner municipalities of the Programme – Zhytomyr, Novohrad-Volynskyy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Halych, and Mykolayiv. There he, together with MSDP/MSU teams, had a chance to interact with municipal authorities, representatives of local community organisations and other stakeholders to learn their experience of self-organisation.

In the new partner municipalities of Halych, Novohrad-Volynskyy, and Mykolayiv the newly created Municipal Support Units presented the initial strategy of their activities within the municipality, and the City Mayors expressed their understanding of the necessity of involving communities into the decision-making process on the municipal level, and valued MSDP for supporting participatory governance in their municipalities.

To demonstrate the viability and effectiveness of MSDP model, the field visit to Ivano-Frankivsk was held on December 14-15th. Ivano-Frankivsk is one of the 3 pilot municipalities of the Programme, chairing the National Forum of Partner Municipalities created in February 2005 to support inter-municipal cooperation and lobbying its interests on the national policy/legislation level. The Resource Centre for Sustainable Development is created there to support the effective governance and involvement of the citizens to planning the local sustainable development.

In Ivano-Frankivsk the visitors attended the meeting with the School Network “Zdorova Dytyna” and had a chance to visit the project site of one of its members, Uhornytska School, which is now working on the energy efficiency issues by repairing the heating main. “It used to be so cold in our school because of the poor conditions of our heating main”, says Ihor Deychakivskyy, the school director, “that our children could not study and go in for sports properly. Due to the established partnership with the municipal authorities, MSDP, members of the village council, and active participation of the teachers’, parents’, and children communities, we managed to bring warmth to our premises. Our case is also unique in a sense that we convinced not only the municipality of Ivano-Frankivsk to support us, but also the council of the village Uhornyky where we are located. It makes us believe in ourselves, and hope for other successes in future”.

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