Tulchyn district has chosen its own option for solid household wastes treatment

03.04.2012   12:21


April 3, Tulchyn (Vinnytsya region):  a meeting of the Steering Committee  and local task force of inter municipal project  on  implementation of integrated approach to SHW treatment in Tulchyn district  has taken place in  the Central Library of Tulchyn  district. The Project is implemented by Tulchyn district state administration, Tulchyn  district council, Tulchyn municipal, Suvoriv and Kynashiv village municipals  with the  support of  Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support Project in Ukraine in and UNDP Project  «Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme».



In  this meeting,   Andriy Artov, an expert of the Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support Project in Ukraine presented  the report  on development the alternative options for  integrated treatment of solid household wastes  in Tulchyn  targeted region. The report was approved as a whole. The report suggested three alternative options for SHW treatment. After a long discussion, the Steering Committee approved one of them, which will be used as a basis to prepare the District strategy of HSW management and Action plan for its implementation.

According to option chosen, the   «4- containers» system will be used to service the multi apartment houses. The system will include a container for   household wastes, - the second for paper and cardboard, the third for plastic and metal, and the fourth one for glass.  In case of the private houses, used will be the containers for household wastes, and two different types of plastic bags – for paper and cardboard and plastic with metal. While the glass the private houses residents will bring to the glass turn-in point. The green wastes will be taken away from public places and private houses, and will be composted into the stockpiles at the special site (preferably the part of the future landfill).   This option will enable taking the maximum possible amount of wastes from the landfill.  While construction of the wastes sorting plant in the landfill is not a preferred option, because of the large amount of required investments and operational costs.  A new improve landfill will service the territory of the targeted region of Tulchyn.  At the more advanced stages, in addition to the targeted territory, it will be also servicing other communities of the region.  

 It is expected that  Project implementation will resolve the problem  of wastes  treatment in the district,  will  improve the environment  and  develop the  model  which could be used  in other Ukrainian regions. This was emphasized by Anatoliy Buzik, the Head of Tulchyn state administration and Inna Byelova, the First deputy director for the Chief office for housing and communal economy, energy and communication of Vinnytsya region state administration.  .

Olena Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP Governance and Sustainable Development   Expert presented   the major implementation lines for information campaign   «Less garbage –better life! »  in the Project’s targeted communities. The campaign is aiming at changing the habitual household behavior of the district residents in favor of more rational use of resources, and reducing the amount of wastes by means of their segregated collection.

 Vyacheslav Sorokovsky, an expert on decentralization of Swiss-Ukrainian Decentralization Support Project in Ukraine, stressed the importance of developing the Strategy of SHW treatment and planning the further steps in the Project implementation.   

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