Results of communities' projects implementation in the UNDP partnering cities are presented by means of infographics

15.05.2012   13:28


Infographics is a modern tool of communications which allows to organise great amount of information by means of text and graphics. It is a visual presentation of information which presents complicated information in a simple and interesting way. Main rules of infographics are simplicity, presentation of one idea by means of one image, clear symbols and keys and usage of drawings.


First to use combination of graphics and text were publishers of the newspaper USA Today in 1982. In a few years this newspaper was in the TOP-5 of the most famous US mass-media. Newspaper readers liked pictures with explanatory comments – infographics transferred the message faster than text and one image replaced several pages of text.


UNDP project Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme developed infographics that clearly show how many projects were implemented in every partnering city, types of these projects as well as the number of beneficiaries in every city. Infographics contains information about the cost of the community projects and sponsors' contributions – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Canadian International Development Agency and The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine.


For more information, contact Galyna Smirnova, Monitoring and Communications Officer, tel. (044) 584-34-75 or e-mail: galyna.smirnova at

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