The contest for communities announced in context of the Second Phase of the Joint UNDP and Coca-Cola Company Project “Every Drop Matters”

07.09.2012   14:46


September 7, Kyiv: The second phase of the Project «Every Drop Matters » officially started rrom September 2012.  EDM is a joint global Project of the  UnitedNations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP) and Coca-Cola" company " (under support of TM «BonAqua ") which will be implemented within UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme".

In context of  the second phase  the Project "Every Drop Matters" will support two main activities:

1. Cleaning and rehabilitation of water springs:

    rehabilitation of water  springs and creation of the recreational  areas around them;     cleaning of the waterbasins  .

Projects will be  implemented under the cofinancing 80% / 20% (80% of the total cost of the project will be provided by donor, 20% will be collected by  city / town / village council and community).

Please note that the total cost of such projects shall not exceed  USD 10 000. .


2. Awareness and educational components l include the following activities:

    The awareness campaigns aimed at promoting rational attitude to water resources. Within such campaigns,  theshort video and audio clips can be produced, information materials, articles, leaflets preparated, various competitions among students and pupils of the kindergartens held, etc.;
    the trainings for teachers / schoolchildren / kids at kindergartens on  a rational attitude to water resources of the planet" Earth";
     special priority will be given to awareness projects with social media engagement.

The project’s total  cost of this component should not exceed USD 3,000.. The projects will be  implemented under co-financing arrangment of 90% / 10% (90% of the project will be provided by  donor, 10% - community organisation).

 The contest is announced among the community organisations of partner municipalities and settlements of UNDP / MGSDP and adjacent to them towns and villages t, whichare  included to the administrative unit of the partner.

We request community organisations which are interested in participating in the second phase of the Joint Project of UNDP and "Coca-Cola" (under support of TM «BonAqua») «EDM» to complete the grant application form and send it by email - olga.osaulenko @ and to the mailing address of  UNDP / MGSDP (01601 Kyiv, str. Esplanadna, 20, 7th floor (room number 713), note Olga Osaulenko) by September 23, 2012.

Representatives of winning community organisations, will be invited to participate in the educational seminar on the problems of preservation and protection of water resources and implementation of the  second phase of the project "Every Drop Matters". The  seminar is scheduled for mid-October 2012.

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