Kyiv National University hosts Social Good Summit

25.09.2012   10:49

Social Good Summit Ukrainian Meet Up  has convened academia, key development speakers, civil society, government officials, entrepreneurs, students, journalists and technologists to discuss best practices and present ground-breaking development ideas that can turn the biggest challenges faced by our world today into opportunities for growth, development, and progress.

Jointly organized by UNDP, UNICEF and United Nations Volunteers,  Kyiv National National University and National School of Journalism the event was part of the  global conversation, a dialogue spanning the continents and united around one common theme: How can new technology and new media create solutions for the most pressing global and local problems?

Leading journalists, UN experts, representatives of the Minsitries of Education, Justice, Regional Development and Emergencies, international IT companies "Microsoft" and "Intel", NGO and community leaders  have took part in the discussions.

In her opening remarks, UNDP Ukraine Country Director has emphased that for  United Nations technological progress  and innovations are not an end in itself, they are important as a means to improve people’s lives, in particular those who are due to disability, poverty, race, gender  or disease are excluded from the society.

During the Summit UNDP in Ukraine has launched a new Crowdsourcing platform "The Future We Want" that will serve to determine the topic of the next National Human Development Report.What should be done to improve the quality of life in Ukraine and your environment? This is the key question, which will be addressed by all participants of the project. Crowdsourcing means engagement  of the largest possible circle of people into the social and global tasks.

Another crowdsourcing project for engaging communities to improving Solid Waste Management in Ivano-Frankivsk municipality was presented by  Bogdan Bilyk, Municipal Project Coordinator of UNDP/MGSDP, Head of Department for Economic and Integration Development of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council.  The web-platform will allow the citizens, local authorities and enterprises working in the area of Solid Waste Management share information in real-time mode. For instance, the residents will be able to promptly inform the municipal service department of illegal dumpings and order the transfer of construction wastes. The project is implemented with the support of UNDP Project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme”.


For additional information please contact UNDP Communications Officer Yevgeniy Zelenko at

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