Saving the Black Sea through education - an international effort under the auspices of UNDP

07.11.2012   12:47


UNDP in Ukraine and "Coca-Cola"introduced a unique educational program designed to draw attention to the preservation and economical use of water resources on the example of the Black Sea.


Kyiv, November 6, 2012. Commitment to the environment – is one of the most pressing issues of our time. UNDP in Ukraine and "Coca-Cola" company together for the third consecutive year support the project "Every Drop Matters". This project is aimed at fostering of responsible attitude to water management (for example, through community initiatives to rehabilitate sources and responsible water use) and also by raising awareness and engaging people and authorities in activity aimed at preservation and protection of natural water resources and environment.


Last year, as one of the educational components of the regional project "Every Drop Matters" there was introduced the "Black Sea Box" project in Ukraine. This innovative training set, which includes interactive learning materials, teacher’s guide, posters, booklets and games related to the Black Sea and its inhabitants, designed to more intelligently and carefully handle the unique ecosystem. 20 lecturers and hundreds of teachers have been trained to use the set to work with students. More than 1400 sets of the “Black Sea Box” were passed in more than 800 schools in Mykolaiv, Odessa and Kherson regions and Crimea. Teachers actively use the set to work with students and interact with colleagues, spreading the experience in their respective regions. It is estimated that today the training with the tutorial covers about 50,000 students.

Attention to this manual by teachers and schools encouraged partners of the project – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine and "Coca-Cola Ukraine" – to realize this new idea and to supply the exhibition of “Water Information Center” of Kyiv with a stand about the Black Sea, its inhabitants, and to present tutorial the “Black Sea Box” on this stand.

Grand opening of the stand took place with the participation of the International Program Manager "Every Drop Matters" Bogachan Benli, Elena Panova, Deputy Director of the UNDP office in Ukraine and General Manager of "Coca-Cola Ukraine" Walter Russell Gordon.


Bogachan Benli emphasized the seriousness of the situation concerning the Black Sea, "The Black Sea resources are too heavily used by people. 80% of fish stocks of the sea are destroyed. Coastal landscape of the sea is physically modified – its natural look has been lost. Pollution of the Black Sea exceeds all permissible rates dozens of times". However, he expressed confidence that we can still stop the destruction of natural resources of the Sea: "Education Complex the “Black Sea Box" is based on the idea that the problems of the Black Sea depend largely on awareness of children - our future citizens".


Elena Panova, Deputy Director of the UNDP office in Ukraine, said: "It is important that the Black Sea Box – is an international project, therefore, Turkish, Russian, and Ukrainian students receive the same detailed information about the ecology of the Black Sea. When children become adults, they are likely to find common ground, will carry identical values, a better understanding of each other and the importance of saving the Black Sea. Only in Ukraine there are being trained about 30,000 children".


General Manager of "Coca-Cola Ukraine" Walter Russell Gordon said: "Concern for water resources along with the popularization of healthy lifestyle and support of national values is one of the strategic directions of activity of the Coca-Cola in Ukraine. Water is a major component of our product. We care about the quality of our product and introduce global standards of production in the company. We use all possible means to spread information about the importance of responsible attitude to water – it is an integral part of our corporate social responsibility. UNDP in Ukraine - is a constant responsible partner. Together we make important and necessary changes within local communities".


To visit the “Water-Information Center” of Kyiv and to see the new stand, came the 4-grade students of secondary school № 1 of Ukraika town of Obukhov district, Kyiv region. These students – the participants of the project "Every Drop Matters" – were invited to an open lesson based on method of the “Black Sea Box”. Finally, the schoolchildren are not the only students on the open lesson dedicated to the Black Sea, but also adults: museum workers, journalists, developers and instigators of the “Black Sea Box”.


Opening of the exhibition, dedicated to the Black Sea, in the "Water-Information Center" of Kyiv clearly introduces all visitors to the state of the Black Sea ecosystem and helps them to understand the importance and the need to solve the pressing environmental issues.

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