Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Regional Policy" was discussed under support of UNDP

07.03.2013   12:14


March 6, Kyiv: The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine jointly with the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Regional councils held a round table to discuss the draft Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Regional Policy." The roundtable was organized under the support UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development" and the financial support of the Swiss Confederation.


As instructed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov on 18.01.2013 № 1537/1/1-13 on the decision of the Council of  Regions as of 25 December 2012, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine developed the  Draft Law. The Law was elaborated  with the purpose to create a legal framework for the implementation of the new state regional policy, which should cover much wider range than just supporting regional development. The Law aims to create a basic legal framework for implementation of the new policy, as well as a basis for preparation of a number of other laws and regulations of the Government. The draft Law outlines basic legal, economic, social, environmental, human and organizational principles of regional policy as part of the internal policy of Ukraine.


The event was attended by Mr. Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Head of Department of Coordination with Verkhovna Rada and the Regions, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ms. Elena Nyzhnyk, Director of the regional policy department of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ms. Olena Boyko, Deputy Head of department, head of planning department of regional development of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the representatives of Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, local governments, regional administrations, the Association of Ukrainian Cities, Civil Society Institute, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Regional Studies, Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of Ukraine and the Council of Europe Programme  "Strengthening Local Democracy and Support for Local Government Reforms in Ukraine"

The participants of the roundtable proposed amendments  to the draft. Discussions and debates on the draft continued and after the roundtable. Participants had different thoughts regarding the prospects and future of the law, but proposals to the law were supported.


For more information, contact Galyna Smirnova, Monitoring and Communications Officer, tel. (044) 584-34-75 or e-mail: galyna.smirnova at undp.org.ua

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