Cost-Sharing Agreement for the Co-Financing of the Local Community Projects in 2006 Was Signed Between UNDP and Ivano-Frankivsk Municipality

01.03.2006   09:58
An official meeting of the partners of UNDP/ Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme was held in the premises of the executive committee of Ivano-Frankivska City Council on the 22nd of February 2006. Zinoviy Shkutyak, City Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecka, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Ueli Muller, Director of Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation, and other representatives of the municipal authorities and UNDP/MGSDP participated in the meeting. During this event the Agreement on the joint financing of the local community projects in 2006 was signed.

The meeting was opened by Z. Shkutyak, City Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk. He told that since June 2004, when the partnership between MGSDP and Ivano-Frankivsk municipality was established, good success has been achieved by its activities. The Programme is now very well perceived by people, and a lot of local communities are willing to participate in it. He also said that the municipality wishes to invite Mr. Francis O’Donnell, UN Resident Coordinator/ UNDP Resident Representative, to come to Ivano-Frankivsk again, and see the progress achieved since his last visit.

Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecka, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, briefed about the strategy of UN System in Ukraine regarding the democratic governance for improving the level of welfare of the citizens, and thanked the local government of Ivano-Frankivsk for the successful implementation of the area-based approach and social mobilisation on the local level.

“We in UNDP are impressed by the effective partnership of Ivano-Frankivsk in paving the path for other municipalities of Ukraine on adoption of the community-based local development experience. We will continue supporting our joint efforts together with alike-minded partners of UNDP like Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation”, said Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecka in the course of the meeting with Z. Shkutyak, the City Mayor.

The Programme selects municipalities for partnership based on their willingness and commitment, which is reflected in cost-sharing by the municipality for the local sustainable development initiative.

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