UNDP-supported web-portal "We are developing the e-governance" was launched

03.12.2013   13:47

December 2-3, Kyiv: A knowledge management portal "We are developing the e-governance" created under UNDP support was presented at the conference "E-governance: Practice of Introducing Local Initiatives." The conference was organised by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine.


The national Knowledge Management Portal "We are developing the e-governance" is a unique platform for collection, storage and   dissemination of information, knowledge and best practices. It is a mechanism for policy formulation and a tool for monitoring and assessment of e-governance introduction. It also provides distant learning opportunities and the interactive tools for organizing the annual National Competition of best practices in the area of e-governance.


The portal has been developed within the UNDP-supported project executed by the Association of Local Self-Governance Bodies "E-Governance Cities" led by Ms. Olesya Arkhypska, Director of the National Centre for E-governance, who made the presentation of the web-portal at the conference.


The target audience of the portal includes three groups of users: government agencies and local self-governance bodies, civil society organizations working in this e-governance area, as well as academia and IT-specialists.



On November 29, a training of trainers was held for 15 participants representing government agencies, NGOs, academia and IT experts. These trainers will later conduct their own trainings in the regions for potential users of the portal. During the training, held in the computer lab of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), the participants explored the options of 11 modules of the portal and received instructions on further trainings. Each trainer received certificate of a trainer-consultant on the issues of working with the portal. Part of the participants joined the distance learning course which is one of the portal’s modules. The curriculum of this course was developed by NAPA under support of OSCE. On December 20, the first group of 20 people – students of the distant learning will complete the course.




At least 120 people will be trained to work with the web-portal during the regional trainings.


Valentina Darnopyh, Director of Association of "E-Governance Cities" informed about the launch of the awareness campaign on the web- portal and its options. The banners of the portal will be placed on the websites of municipalities and partner organizations, the official information letters will be sent to the representatives of the target audience. Also, a national press conference on the official presentation of the portal is scheduled for December.


The developers of the platform, which aims to spread innovative ideas and best practices, expect that it will become a professional expert environment for municipalities, IT- sector, experts and academia.

It is expected that the portal will be useful and sustainable, as various specialized organizations took the responsibility of filling the content and administering the modules. In particular, the "Association of E-Governance Cities” will administer the module "Depository of  Best Practices", NAPA will administer the distant learning course, National E-governance Center will carry out a readiness assessment of the state authorities and local self-governance bodies to e-governance and will take care of the module "Digital Library".

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