Public Awareness on Sustainable Development and MDGs will be raised in Ivano-Frankivsk

10.03.2006   09:38
On March 1st 2006 the School Network of Ivano-Frankivsk launched the school contest “Sustainable Development of Ivano-Frankivsk in Children’s Perception: Perspective of XXI Century”. It is a follow up action of the awareness campaign on sustainable development held in September 2005 which will increase the level of general awareness about sustainable development, HIV/AIDS, MDGs and gender among the school communities in Ivano-Frankivsk (students - directly, and some teachers, and parents - indirectly), as well as help to change the attitudes toward HIV-positive and their families, and the gender-based discrimination views among the population.

The school contest is aimed at improving the knowledge of participants – students of the local schools in Ivano-Frankivsk – on sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS, and gender issues. This activity will cover about 10310 students from 8th to 11th grade of Ivano-Frankivsk local schools – members of the school network, and will include the survey on the current status of HIV awareness among the students of the highest grades, information campaign, and writing essays and drawing pictures by the school students on sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS, and gender.

The following activities will be implemented within the contest:
· Training of the volunteers and school psychologists on the subjects of sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS, and gender.
· Preparation and dissemination of the informational materials among all participating students through volunteers, focal teachers in each school and the information centres of the appropriate classrooms.
· Motivation of the students for analytical research on the subjects, using also other sources of information such as - Internet, TV, radio, media, NGOs, specialised literature (leaflets, booklets, brochures).
· Analysis and evaluation of the students’ awareness on sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS, and gender issues.
· Further dissemination of the localised information on the subject through publication of the best essays and exhibition of the best drawings during the public outreach event on HIV/AIDS prevention to be held in Ivano-Frankivsk.

The contest will be held on three levels – class level, school level, and municipal level. UNDP/MGSDP and Ivano-Frankivsk municipality will support the contest. A publication of the best essays and drawings will be prepared for further dissemination, while the best drawings on HIV/AIDS, gender, and sustainable development will be exhibited in the center of the city during the cultural festival in May this year.

UNDP/MGSDP wishes to thank UNICEF for their great contribution to the contest in a form of providing their valuable brochures and leaflets on HIV/AIDS prevention; to the Equal Access to Opportunities Programme of UNDP for providing informational materials which were used by the School Network of Ivano-Frankivsk for preparation of the leaflet on gender issues, and to Caritas-Ivano-Frankivsk for providing the drawing from the last year school contest on HIV/AIDS prevention.

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