Cultural Festival in Ivano-Frankivsk “Together against HIV/AIDS”

05.03.2006   15:54
On Saturday, 6th of May 2006, the cultural-information festival “Together against HIV/AIDS” will be held on the main square of Ivano-Frankivsk city. The festival will be aimed at informing citizens of Ivano-Frankivsk about current HIV/AIDS situation in Ukraine, and will be based on the principles of volunteerism.

The HIV/AIDS awareness festival is organized by UNDP/Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme in cooperation with other stakeholders and will involve big number of citizens of Ivano-Frankivsk to promote the issue to the maximum population of the city and oblast. This cultural event will inform its participants about this sensitive social issue in easy and acceptable way, it will bring together all kinds of social and age groups as well as local NGOs together with international organizations.

The following agencies will take active part in this event: local NGOs and organisations - “Solidarity”, “Caritas”, “Red Cross If”, “Hurt” Resource Center, “Center of Social Services”, “School Network “Zdorova Dytyna”, Ivano-Frankivska City Council, “All Ukrainian network of people living with HIV”, and international organizations – European Union project of Strengthening Multi Sectoral Approaches towards HIV/AIDS Prevention among Youth in Ukraine, United Nations Development Programme (namely, Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme, and Governance of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine), UNICEF, UNAIDS and United Nations Volunteers.

This joint initiative will involve international organizations, local and NGOs and their volunteers dealing with HIV/AIDS and related issues (such as gender, environment, sustainable development), will cover school kids from the local schools which will take active part by presenting their drawings on the subjects during the exhibition, playing games, signing songs, and many other activities.

The festival will be started on 5th of May with the press-conference in participation of the representatives of local NGOs, UN agencies, municipal representatives and others. Also, the roundtable will be organised by UNDP/MGSDP and EU Project of Strengthening Multi Sectoral Approaches towards HIV/AIDS prevention among Youth in Ukraine in cooperation of UNDP Governance of HIV/AIDS Project and local NGOs. An open discussion during the roundtable will include the following topics:
· Strengthening multi-sectoral approaches to work together against HIV/AIDS in oblast;
· Current situation with HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region and all over Ukraine;
· Main problems and tasks for HIV/AIDS prevention.

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