Multi-Sectoral Cooperation towards HIV/AIDS Prevention Launched in Ivano-Frankivsk

11.05.2006   16:56
On the 5th of May, 2006 the press-conference and the roundtable “Ways of Multi-Sectoral Cooperation towards HIV/AIDS Prevention” was organized in Ivano-Frankivsk by UNDP/Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme in cooperation with the European Union project “Strengthening Multi-Sectoral Approaches towards HIV/AIDS Prevention among Youth in Ukraine” and UNDP/Governance of HIV/AIDS Project. During the roundtable 35 representatives of local NGOs, municipal authorities and representatives of international organizations discussed the main challenges and tasks on HIV/AIDS prevention and response in Ivano-Frankivsk city and oblast, and identified possible ways of multi-sectoral cooperation.

An open discussion during the roundtable included the following topics:

Strengthening multi-sectoral approaches to work together against HIV/AIDS in oblast.
Current situation with HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region and all over Ukraine.
Main problems and tasks for HIV/AIDS prevention.
In the course of the discussion, Dr. Vladimir Gordeiko, the Project Manager of UNDP/ Governance of HIV/AIDS Project, briefed about the current status of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. Ms. Marlena Bouche, International Expert on Health Education of EU project, explained the necessity of multi-sectoral cooperation at local and oblast levels, and expressed the willingness to cooperate on future possible awareness activities in Ivano-Frankivsk and other municipalities. Mr. Andriy Mykytyn, the Director of Ivano-Frankivska NGO “Solidarity”, provided participants with actual data about HIV/AIDS epidemic at local level, identified major ways of HIV transmission in the oblast and expressed the necessity for cooperation on local and all-Ukrainian level in fighting HIV/AIDS.

As the result of the roundtable, the participants committed themselves for joint efforts in increasing of the level of awareness on HIV/AIDS among the local schools students and youth, and to provide the municipal authorities with complete analysis of the situation on HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region defining major problems and tasks for further action.

«Today I share the opinion of you all that our common effort in Ivano-Frankivsk was really successful and permitted to launch the basis for our fruitful inter-agency and multi sectoral cooperation», said Ms. Marlena Bouche, International Expert on Health Education of EU Project.

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