UNDP/MGSDP Establishes Partnership with Hola Prystan' Municipality

05.06.2006   09:58
On 30th of May Mr. J.Sah, International Project Manager, and Mrs. Iryna Skaliy, Governance and Sustainable Development Expert, participated in the plenary session of the City Council of Hola Prystan’ (Khersons’ka oblast’) in participation of about 30 members.

After the welcoming words from Mr. A. Nehra, Mayor, and V. Kondratyuk, Deputy Mayor, the objectives and approached of the Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme were presented by Mr. J. Sah. He focused on the process of social mobilization and its importance in the contemporary society, as well as highlighted the historical examples and practical cases from other countries of the world. After that, Mrs. I. Skaliy described in details the Programme modus operandi, terms of partnership, and shared the experience of different partner municipalities, like Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne and others. The brief information on nature of supported local sustainable development projects was presented.

After the official presentations, members of the city council asked numerous questions, and in the result, they voted unanimously for launching the partnership with MGSDP and creating the Municipal Support Unit within the framework of the municipality.

Afterwards, on 31st of May the meeting was held with the representatives of financial and treasury department of the municipality and rayon state administration. Major objective of the meeting was to consider a possibility of signing Cost-Sharing Agreement (CSA) between UNDP/MGSDP and Hola Prystan. Upon highlighting the role of municipality as a donor and as a beneficiary, and after the discussion on the issues of resource transfer, utilization and responsibilities, the CSA was agreed upon.

As the result, there was organised an official event on signing the Partnership Agreement in presence of the city mayor and his deputy, the representatives of financial and treasury department of the municipality and rayon state administration, local mass-media, and national TV-channel “Era”. The amount of USD 20 thousand was indicated in the signed agreement as a starting commitment for partnership. This expansion of the Programme has taken place in context of the sub-project "Promoting Conditions of Participatory Governance and Development in Urban Areas" supported in 2005/2006 by Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation.

“It is an honour for the municipality of Hola Prystan’ that such an important Programme of UNDP treated us as an interesting and worthy partner”, said A. Nehra, the City Mayor.

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