Cost-Sharing Agreement Was Signed with Mykolayiv Municipality

05.06.2006   12:04
On the 31st of May the official ceremony of signing the Cost-Sharing Agreement between UNDP and Mykolayivska City Council took place in Mykolayiv municipality. As per agreement, the municipality of Mykolayiv and UNDP together with like-minded partners such as Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation will jointly finance the sustainable development initiatives of the local community organisations in 2006.

The procedure of signing the CSA took place in presence of V. Chayka, Mykolayiv Mayor, V.Yavorskiy, Deputy Mayor, I. Bogoslavetst, Municipal Project Coordinator in Mykolayiv, J.Sah, UNDP/MGSDP International Project Manager, I.Skaliy, Governance and Sustainable Development Expert, and local mass-media. On behalf of the municipality, Mr. V. Chayka welcomed an opportunity to support local citizens together with UNDP/MGSDP. He emphasized the extreme importance of activating people around solving their own problems, which can help the municipality to build a strong and cohesive community, responsible for its actions and property. It was also underlined by the Mayor that the more people contribute into their local development initiatives, the more they feel proud and responsible for the project results.

Jaysing Sah joined the expectations expressed by the mayor. He welcomed the efforts made by Mykolayiv municipality so far, and expressed a hope that the cooperation will have very positive demonstration results.

Afterwards, the Cost-Sharing Agreement was signed in presence of local mass media.

“This year we are allocating about UAH 750 thousand, but hopefully next year this amount will be essentially increased. Let me also take this opportunity to send my best regards to UNDP management, and welcome its official representatives to visit Mykolayiv at any convenient time”, said Mr. V.Chayka.

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