Representatives of Municipalities Learn the Experience of Ivano-Frankivsk on Democratic Governance in Participation of Communities

20.06.2006   10:03
On the 8-9th of June the representatives of Eastern, Southern and Central Ukraine visited Ivano-Frankivsk municipality to learn the experience of participation of the community organisations in the process of managing the local sustainable development, gained within the framework of UNDP/ Municipal Gvernance and Sustainable Development Programme (MGSDP) at local level. In particular, the represntatives of 5 mining cities of Donetska obast, 3 cities of Kirovohradska oblast, 6 cities of Kyyivska oblast, 2 cities of Luhanska oblast, and 1 city of Khersonska oblast participated in the exchnage visit. These municipalities were represented by the Mayors and their deputies, secretaries, members, or heads of the specialised departments of the city councils. Besides, among the participants there also were the national analysts-consultants which will learn the experience of the municipalities of Eastern and Western Ukraine in the area of local self-governance for sustainable development, and on the 14th of July 2006 will present their recommendations on strenghening the interregional cooperation during the national roundtable in Kyiv.

The purpose of the activity was to disseminate the best practices of the democtratic governance in participation of citizens in the municipalities of Ukraine through strenghening the interregional cooperation. In 2006 these activities of UNDP/MGSDP are being implemented jointly with the Ukrainian Associaiton of Local and Regional Authorities under the support from the Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation (SDC). For the time being, the partner municipalities of MGSDP are Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Zhytmyr, Mykolayiv, Novohrad-Volynskyy (Zhytomyrska oblast), Halych (Ivano-Frankisvka obast), Kirovske (Donetska oblast) and Hola Prystan’ (Khersonska oblast).

During the official opening of the visit the delegation was welcomed by Mr. V.Kimakovych, Deputy Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, S.Volkov, UNDP Senior Programme Manager, and V.Nehoda, Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Association of Local and Regional Authorities. After familiarisation with the achievements of Ivano-Frankivsk in the area of socio-economic development for improvement of the level of well-being of the local citizens, and with the activities of UNDP/MGSDP in Ukraine, Mr. B.Bilyk, Municipal Project Coordinator, shared the experience of the activities of Municipal Suport Unit and the Resource Centre on Sustainable Development on working with the communities of the city and implementation of the public initiatives.

After the official opening of the visit, the guests were familiarized with the activities of the Registration Chamber and Allowances Centre in the area of supporting the small entrepreneurship, activities of the Resource Centre on Sustainable Development, Ukrainian-Canadian Business Centre, and Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Besides, they visited one of the housing committees where interacted with the members of the appropriate community and saw the results of their implemented project, as well as the project site of the NGO “School Network “Zdorova Dytyna”.

In the course of the meeting with the members of the Coordination Committee of Ivano-Frankivska Municipal Sustainable Development Council, which was held in participation of the City Mayor Mr. V.Anushkevychus, the guests listened to the presentation of MSDC as the public forum of the living neghbourhood organisations, educational, entreprenural comunities and non-governmental organisations of the city for solving their priority problems. The remarkable event of this working meeting of MSDC was signing the Partnership Agreements with 12 neghbourhood organisations for implementation of the local sustainable development projects for the total amount of UAH 1 622 088, out of which 10.4% is the contribution of the beneficiary communities, 44.2% of the cost is shared by Ivabo-Frankivska city council, 44.2% is the share of UNDP and SDC, and 1.2% is mobilised from other sponsors of private and public sectors.

During the concluding roundtable, representatives of cities shared their impressions from what they had seen, and briefed about their experience in the area of local self-government in participation of the communities for sustainable development. “In my opinion, major value of the Municipal Programme of UNDP is not even the fact that it is among the few donor programmes which offer not only the training and equipment, but also contribute to the cost-sharing for the concrete projects of local community organisations. The most important is that it helps to educate the feeling of responsibility, public consiosness in citizens, makes them to realise their role in real local self-governance”, said V.Shevchenko, representatives of Slavutych municipality of Kyivska oblast, one of the participants of the exchnage visit.

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