Leaders of the School Parliament in Novohrad-Volynskyy Trained on Sustainable Development, MDGs, Gender and HIV/AIDS

21.06.2006   15:49
In May 2006, the School Network and NGO Network of Novohrad-Volynskyy have come up to the idea of conducting several activities for the target groups of the local community to increase the level of general awareness about HIV/AIDS, sustainable development, gender and MDGs. The first event in this area was the public informational-cultural festival "Together against HIV/AIDS" which was held in the municipality on May 27th.

On June 20th 2006 a training on the subject was conducted for 30 representatives of the school parliament – students’ self-government body – of Novohrad-Volynskyy under the support from UNDP/MGSDP.

In the course of training, the participants went through the following activities:

Mini-lecture on sustainable development, its major principles, genesis, Ukrainian context, basic indicators with the follow-up work in groups to identify local problems of the municipality in terms of sustainable development.
Presentation of the Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme of UNDP and its activities to foster sustainable development at local and national levels.
Session on gender with the practical exercise “How Do We Differ” to distinguish the differences between sex and gender concepts, and watching the video “How Will Sing a Lullaby?” kindly provided by UNDP/ “Equal Access to Opportunities” Programme with a follow-up discussion.
Training on HIV/AIDS with the practical exercises, role game and watching a movie kindly provided by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.
Mini-lecture on Millennium Development Goals with the practical exercise on identification of the MDGs most specific for the city of Novohrad-Volynskyy.
Concluding quiz on the subjects of the training.
Sessions were conducted by L.Svydynyuk, MSU (on sustainable development and MGSDP), O.Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP (on gender), O.Osovets, MSU (on MDGs), and O.Kotova, Centre of social services for families, children and youth (on HIV/AIDS).

The participants committed themselves for further dissemination of this knowledge and informational materials to their peers, to other young people of the city during the celebration of the Day of Youth while serving as volunteers, as well as for writing articles on the subject for the school newspapers. Similar training will be conducted in September this year for the students of the local medical college.

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