Eastern Municipalities Host the Exchange Visit on Local Self-Governance from the Western Part of Ukraine

26.06.2006   16:31
On June 22-23rd this year 18 representatives from the Western and Central municipalities of Ukraine visited Donetska oblast’ to learn the best practices of the local self-government for sustainable development in the region. The visit was hosted by the communities of Novyy Svit, the village of a municipal type, and Kirovske, the partner municipality of UNDP/ Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme.

On the first day, the guests visited Novyy Svit, where they were welcomed by Ms. I.Berdnikova, the Mayor, and her team with participation of the oblast and rayon-level officials. During the initial roundtable meeting, the hosts presented the achievements of their oblast, rayon and village, and described the specific features of local self-government and municipal development in Eastern region. The visitors presented their own municipalities, their pride and best achievements, such as: Tysmenytsya of their fur production, Kaniv of their development policy through the cultural heritage, Kamin’-Kashyrskyy of their efforts in fostering the natalism, municipalities of L’vivska oblast of tourism development etc.

After the official meeting, the delegation visited Starobeshivska heating electric power station which is the major source of incomes of the local budget, and the bearer of responsibilities on major social infrastructures. Later on, guests went to the kindergarten maintained by the village council, the sports-recreational centre which provides services to the local citizens, and the sports grounds constructed with participation of the local community. To explore the spiritual development of the village, they went to the church constructed by the village council.

The nest day, delegation visited the municipality of Kirovske which is the partner municipality of MGSDP. During the official meeting headed by Mr. V.Mandrus, City Mayor, municipal officials presented the experience on creation of the department for provision of the municipal services to make the services closer and more accessible for local citizens, their experience on performance budgeting, as well as on cooperation with UNDP on promoting the participatory governance for sustainable development. After that, the participants had a unique chance to go down in the mine and observe the process of coal mining, and visited one of the newly created condominiums, which is planning to establish cooperation with UNDP/MGSDP to solve one of their priority problems.

In the course of the discussion, major conclusion was made about the typical nature of problems which municipalities face in different parts of Ukraine despite the regional location, as well as about the possibilities of better solving such problems through cooperation and exchange of experience. This conclusion will be summarized by the policy consultants during the national roundtable on 14th of July, 2006. These activities of UNDP/MGSDP are supported by the Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation (SDC).

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