Municipal Council of Sustainable Development Established in Rivne

12.07.2006   09:13
On Tuesday, 11th of July 2006 a constituent assembly of the Municipal Council of Sustainable Development took place in Rivne in participation of about 40 representatives of local government, Rivnenska oblast state administration, citizens, school network, businesses and NGOs, and also of UNDP/MGSDP team members, in particular, Mr. Jaysingh Sah and Iryna Skaliy.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Y.Torhun, Secretary of Rivnenska City Council, who substantiated the necessity of joining the efforts of the citizens and their organizations in different areas for solving the problems of municipal sustainable development. Mr. J.Sah, International Project Manager, briefed the participants about the history of UNDP/MGSDP partnership with Rivne municipality and welcomed their intention on joining efforts referring to the appropriate recommendations of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2000.

During the meeting Mr. P. Vakhnyuk, Municipal Project Coordinator, told about the history of MGSDP activities in Rivne and its achievements at the local level. Mr. M.Zaharuk, Head of the Permanent Commission for Economic Development, Industry, Investments and Support to Entrepreneurship, substantiated the necessity of facilitating the process of local self-governance’s development. The representative of Rivnenska Oblast State Administration, Mr.L.Bilyak, Head of Economic Department, stressed the importance of Programme’s experience expansion within the oblast borders. Mr.P.Sara, head of one of the local condominiums, substantiated the necessity of creation of the network of neighbourhood organisations and talked in details on development of Associations of Co-Owners of Multiappartment Buildings in the city.

After that, the “Resolution of the Forum of Representatives Of Rivnenska City Council and Its Executive Committee, Neighborhood Organizations, NGOs, School Networks and Associations” was approved confirming the intention of the local community and of the City Council to create the MSDC, “Provision on the Municipal Council of Sustainable Development”, and Coordination Committee of MSDC was approved with 13 members headed by Mr.V.Chayka, the City Mayor of Rivne.

It is expected that MSDC will function as an effective forum for the representatives of local authorities, educational institutions, neighborhood organizations, businesses, NGOs and other citizens participating in the implementation of sustainable development principles. With this step, implemented under the support of Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation, the institutional development in Rivne municipality moved from the micro- to meso-level.

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