Voznesensk Municipality Joins UNDP/MGSDP

22.08.2006   11:57
On the invitation of the mayor of Voznesensk city council, Mr. Yuriy Gerzhov, UNDP/MGSDP representatives namely International Project Manager Mr. Jaysingh Sah and Governance and Sustainable Development Expert Mrs. Iryna Skaliy, visited Voznesensk Municipality of Mykolaiv oblast on 18 August 2006 to sign Partnership Agreement with the City Council.

On this occasion, the UNDP/MGSDP representatives made a presentation about the Programme to a general meeting of more than 50 local stakeholders including deputies of city council, representatives from the local administration, treasury department, academia, private sector, non-government organisations and citizens. The presentation focused on need and importance of public private partnership for sustainable local development followed by a description about the Programme objective, strategy, modus operandi and terms of partnership. The audience raised a score of questions and curiosities regarding concrete support from the Programme and the target beneficiaries. Sharing experience of UNDP in global perspective and specifically that of Ukraine on front of area-based development approach, Mr. Sah pointed out that the Programme offered them a technology, more than resources that would benefit the city in the long run. City Mayor Mr. Gerzhov also made a note that the process of cooperation with UNDPMGSDP was well understood and that it will take some time to prepare organizational structures and then get support from UNDP/MGSDP. “It is better to be well prepared and to start working from this point in a right way to avoid problems in future” he mentioned. Upon all the queries and questions were satisfied, Mr. Gerzhov asked the audience to give him verdict to sign the Partnership Agreement. His call received positive response from all.

The next meeting was held with the administration officials and the representatives of the Treasury Department to clarify the special conditions and procedures of financing of local development initiatives and mechanism of resource transfer, utilisation, monitoring and reporting.

The meeting was concluded by signing of Partnership Agreement between by the Mayor of Voznesensk Municipality. The Mayor informed that the Municipal Support Unit (MSU) will be soon established as a department; process of recruitment of two social mobilisers is already in place besides two municipal officials already deputed for MSU. It was also agreed that the Municipality will sign Cost-Sharing Agreement during the last quarter of 2006 with 20,000$ or more as its share, but actual disbursement will start from 2007. The remaining period of 2006 will be spent on MSU capacity building, community mobilization and planning.

At the end, Mr. Gerzhov thanked UNDP for its willingness to support Voznesensk Municipality and assured that his team will do the best to show result. On his part, Mr. Sah assured the host full cooperation from the UNDP/MGSDP for the benefit of local government and the local communities.

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