UNDP/MGSDP Presents Its Agenda to Parliamentary Committees

27.10.2006   09:38
In October 2006 the official representatives of UNDP/ Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme participated in the meetings with the specialised Committees of Verkhovna Rada to present the Programme strategies, policies and achievements, and to submit for consideration of the Parliamentarians the recommendations to improve the legal and policy framework for participatory municipal governance for sustainable development.

In this context, the following meetings were participated:

On October 18th - with the Committee on the State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government. Mr. M.Polonsky and L.Tulovsky made the presentation on “Improvement of Legislative Environment for Municipal Governance with Community Involvement” highlighting the experiences of activities of various form of population self-organisation units, and lessons learned from cooperation of population self-organisation units with local authorities to implement joint programs. Mr. V. Tykhonov, Head of the Committee, facilitated the discussion.
On October 24th – with the Committee on the Environmental Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Chornobyl Catastrophe. Mr. M.Polonsky presented the Programme’s experience of municipal governance for ensuring the sustainable development, and outlined the necessary policy/legal changes to strengthen the democratic governance and introduce the sustainable development values into the economic, social and environmental policy of Ukraine. Mr. O. Kovtunenko and Y. Artemenko, Deputy Heads of the Committee, appreciated the project achievements on behalf of the Committee.
On October 26th – with the Committee on the Foreign Affairs. Mr. L.Tulovsky informed the Committee members about MGSDP goals, activities and achievements (in figures), the support it provides to the municipalities and communities of the Ukrainian cities and the Program's practical approaches and findings. Mr. V. Shybko, Head of the Committee, and Mr. V. Korzh, the Committee member, demonstrated a very active interest in the Program's activities and achievements, and requested the Program specialists to make more detailed presentations in the Parkliamentary groups in the nearest future.
UNDP/MGSDP expects that the results of its participation in the Parliamentary Committee meetings will foster the processes of policy and legal frameworks’ improvement for the municipal governance and sustainable development of the municipalities in Ukraine with community involvement.

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