UNDP/MGSDP’s Experience on Applying HRBA and Mainstreaming Gender in Local Governance Shared with Countries of the Region

10.11.2006   17:24
On November 7-9th the UNDP/MGSDP delegation participated in training and consultation on “How to Apply the Human-Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in Local Governance” which was organised by UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre and hosted by UNDP Moldova. Ukrainian team represented by Ms. O.Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Expert, Ms. I.Hudz’, Municipal Project Coordinator in Novohrad-Volynskyy municipality, and Mr. P.Vakhnyuk, Municipal Project Coordinator in Rivne, shared the Programme experience of addressing human rights and gender issues through the activities aimed at achieving the municipal sustainable development.

The meeting has brought together UNDP practitioners and external counterparts from the local level working in the areas of local governance, human rights and gender to further deepen the knowledge in the thematic areas and their linkages, and to solicit feedback on the outline of the user friendly toolkit focused on applying HRBA and GM in local development programming and implementation. In total, 31 persons from Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova and Bratislava participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, the participants were introduced to thematic areas of local governance and decentralisation, human rights and HRBA, GM and linkages between them; discussed in groups the country experiences and processes in relation with the HRBA and GM; learned the practical experience of the Rights Based Municipal Assessment and Planning Project (RMAP) and Gender Programme of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Also, the tools for applying the two approaches were learned and discussed, including the vulnerability analysis, checklists, participation mechanism, and baseline study.

UNDP/MGSDP colleagues shared the experiences on the following:

Gender-related activities in the partner municipalities, including awareness campaigns and capacity building;
Applying the mechanisms of participation in cooperation with the community-based organisations for ensuring the respect of human rights of the community members;
Activities within the HIV/AIDS component to enhance protection of the human rights of the vulnerable groups at local level;
Other tools of applying the HRBA and GM, e.g. participatory assessment, public auditing of the local sustainable development initiatives, etc.
Based on the results of the consultation, the toolkit for integrating Human Rights and Gender into Local Development Programming will be prepared to assist local governance practicioners in applying HRBA and GM in the process of planning, implementing and monitoring local governance programs. Different case studies will be incorporated in the toolkit to illustrate benefits of mainstreaming human rights and gender principles in local governance. All the professionals are encouraged to share their success stories on the above, or request for details on the meeting to Ms. Olena Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP: Olena.Ursu@undp.org.ua. More details on the findings of the workshop will be soon available on the official web-site of UNDP BRC.

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