Local Development in Ukraine: Any Results Achieved?

27.11.2006   11:50
23 November, 2006. Kyiv. Mayors of 12 cities, representatives of rayon and oblast authorities, partners and donor agencies gathered at the National Forum of Partner Municipalities meeting to review the progress in achieving the sustainable development at local level and plan the future activities. Since April 2004, when the Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme (UNDP/MGSDP) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine, was initiated, 59 sustainable development projects of local communities have been implemented worth 7.7 mln. UAH benefiting 50226 people in these municipalities

Most development work is focused on policy and takes years before it affects the lives of average Ukrainians. The UNDP/Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme is a combination of grass-roots community-based activities and policy work that ultimately brings immediate, long-lasting benefits for community residents. The Programme is designed to assist urban residents, academia, civil societies, and the private sector to organize themselves to resolve their common problems.

In today’s Ukraine, people still expect the state to fix old heating systems, cut the grass in front of apartment buildings, or clean neighborhood communal space. The partner municipalities of the Programme have committed themselves to deal with changing the entrenched attitude of the people that the state is solely responsible for the delivery of common goods and services. The purpose is to show people how their collective efforts can bring sustainable benefits to each of them and sustainable development in the society.

The Program applies a participatory approach to development, whereby citizens, local government, UNDP/MGSDP, and other public and private sector parties, contribute resources to implement local plans prepared by the community residents. So far, the Programme is operational in 12 municipalities, including Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Novohrad-Volynskyy (Zhytomyrska oblast), Halych (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast), Mykolayiv, Kirovske (Donetska oblast), Ukrayinka, Kaharlyk (Kyivska oblast), Hola Prystan’ (Khersonska oblast), Voznesensk (Mykolayivska oblast) and Novovolynsk (Volynska oblast).

Out of 59 local projects 30 were related to the social sector (public health, drinking water, social protection for disabled), 27 projects were in the area of energy and environment (reconstruction of heating and drainage systems, hot and cold water supply, window insulation, roof reconstruction), and 2 projects were for economic development (employment promotion). These projects together benefit 50226 people in the partner municipalities. Although most of these community groups were created to fix common, enduring problems, the loose groups have started to gradually evolve into community organizations with long-term community development programs. Besides, the Programme strengthens institutional capacity of its partners, including the municipalities, at various level to enhance their efficiency and governance towards better delivery of development goods

«Programs such as UNDP/MGSDP help change people’s attitudes from apathy and inertia to social consciousness which ultimately results in building the civic society. By participating in such programs people see the immediate benefits of their collective actions», said M. Borovets, Novohrad-Volynskyy City Mayor and the newly elected Chairperson of the Forum

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