MGSDP Activities Will Be Expanded Throughout Rivnenska Oblast

04.12.2006   12:07
On 1st December 2006 Partnership Agreement between UNDP/MGSDP and Rivne Oblast State Administration was officially signed in the premises of the Oblast State Administration in presence of about 34 local stakeholders including officials of Rivne Oblast, various cities in the oblast, rayon administrations, schools, NGOs, and mass media. The official event became possible due to keen interest of the Acting oblast head Mr. A. Zhukovsky to understand and utilize mechanism of public private partnership demonstrated by the Programme in Rivne municipality.

The session was initiated by Mr. Zhukovsky, acting head of the oblast with a note that it is not possible to maximize development output without bringing together all the development-forces together. This concept is more important in present context as the resources are drying up and demand for addressing local problems is rising. He expressed his conviction that the approach offered by the Programme has great potential in resolving this problem.

Jaysingh Sah, International Project Manager, briefed about the importance of public private partnership for local sustainable development in light of the declarations made at Johannesburg World Social Summit and Ukrainian MDG. He shared the experience of UNDP in Ukraine on community-based development approach and presented MGSDP goals, strategy, modus operandi and terms of partnership. Mr. P. Vakhnyuk, Municpal Project Coordinator of Rivne MSU, briefed about the activities of the Programme in Rivne and results obtained so far. He invited the participants to make visit to the project sites to see by their own eyes. Ms. I. Kirutsa, Deputy Head of the City Department of Education and the accountant of the school network of Rivne, supplemented with the experience of schools of Rivne in improving school environment leading to improved education quality under the Programme support. They concluded that all these changes became possible only after combining the efforts of local communities, Rivne municipality and the UNDP.

Upon a series of questions and answers, the Governor a.i. Mr. Zhukovsky signed the Partnership Agreement. He declared that under his direct guidance, a senior official (head of the economic and investment department) will coordinate with Rivne MSU and expand the Programme in other municipalities in the oblast. For it, the administration will establish a resource center under support of the Programme and allocate resource as a part of cost sharing for the community projects. In his concluding remarks, Mr. Zhukovsky asked all the municipal representatives and administration officials to learn the process from the Rivne municipality and immediately take action to forge partnership with the Programme.

After signing the Partnership Agreement, Mr. Zhukovsky expressed gratitude to UNDP management for extending its support to Rivne oblast and assured his commitment to achieve excellent results.

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