Roundtable for Youth «HIV/AIDS: Speak Out!» Conducted in Novovolynsk

20.12.2006   09:20
On the 8th of December 2005 the roundtable «HIV/AIDS: Speak Out!» was conducted in Novovolynsk of Volynska oblast in which over 30 representatives of the local youth and HIV/service organisations of the city participated. UNDP/ Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme supported the activity with the purpose of planning the directions of joint efforts for 2007 in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention at local level.

The problem of HIV/AIDS for Novovolynsk remains vital. By 1 October 2006 237 HIV-positive persons were registered in the municipality; during 9 months of 2006 17 persons died, out of them 12 dies from HIV (total population is 57 thousand inhabitants). So today the number of actually infected persons is comparatively not high, but despite the efforts of public organizations and existing state programs, the disease keeps on spreading and affecting new, mainly young, victims. Injection drugs remain the main source of infection dissemination. This way was the reason of bringing the infection to the city, and lead to the situation when Novovolynsk municipality now occupies the first place among the cities of oblast by the number of infected people per10 thousand population.

With the purpose of planning the activities which could be undertaken by the local communities for HIV/AIDS prevention in the city, Novovolynsk Municipal Support Unit conducted the roundtable in participation of the local council representatives, Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, student’s of the local colleges, head of the self-help groups and public organisations of the city.

Reports were delivered by B.Karpus, member of the local council, H.Karnaukhova, head of the department of youth policy, family, youth and sports, V.Bevz, infection doctor, V.Dubrovsky, narcology doctor, O.Lakysh, director of the Centre of social services for family, children and youth and others.

Having listened to the reports about the HIV/AIDS situation in the city, major ways of infection dissemination, opportunities of searching for information and support for HIV/AIDS prevention activities, and opportunities of support for HIV-positive people in the city, and also having watched the training video “Together against AIDS” developed and provided to the organizers by the UNDP/ Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme, the participants developed the following vision of their joint activities in 2007:

Create a network of public organizations which will work on disseminating information on the subject, promoting healthy life style and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Select the youth public organisation “Perspektyva” to serve as the secretariat of the network.
Encourage the mass media to spread the social ads and highlight events concerning HIV/AIDS.
Develop the suggestions on prevention activities of HIV/AIDS for 2007 to be considered by Novovolynsk City Council, UNDP, and other donor organizations.
Sign the Partnership Agreement by all the organizations – participants of the newly created network and approve the work plan for 2007 before 31st of December 2006.

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