UNDP Establishes Partnership with the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

01.02.2007   11:15
On 15 of January, 2007 the Partnership Agreement was signed between UNDP in context of Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme and the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government. The overall objective of partnership is to create conducive environment for strengthening of decentralized governance for sustainable development in Ukraine.

This partnership became possible due to prior dialogue held between Ms. Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecka, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, Mr. Viktor Tykhonov, Head of the Committee, support from Ukrainian Association of Local and Regional Authorities headed by Mr. Vyacheslav Nehoda, and MGSDP activities on promoting participatory governance.

The partnership framework includes the following:

Initiating reforms in the areas of administrative/ financial decentralisation in line with the principles of subsidiarity.
Promoting decentralized institutional system which would allow local communities of citizens, small businesses, NGOs and academia and the bodies of local self-governments to engage in transparent participatory planning process and resolve social, economic and environmental problems on their territories.
Improving policies/ legislations to create enabling environment for territorial communities, local self-government bodies, NGOs to undertake bottom-up participatory planning and participate in the local level sustainable development activities under the framework of public-private partnership.
Promoting administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine for democratic governance and public-private partnership.

For this purpose the Committee will act as a Governmental Focal Agency for UNDP/MGSDP, lobby policy changes on community-based local development in Verkhovna Rada, and carry out activities in partnership with UNDP and its projects as needed to make policy/ legislation in the area of democratic governance, local self-governance and community-based local development. In its turn, UNDP will strengthen capacity of the Committee through technical support to raise transparency and access of people to information; develop policies/ legislation; and raise public awareness on administrative-territorial reform.

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