Novohrad-Volynsky Community Learns to Plan Its Development Strategically

16.04.2007   16:24
Novohrad-Volynsky, 12-13 April: The business game “Development Strategy of Novohrad-Volynsky municipality” was conducted to detail the city’s strategic development plan and suggest the concrete projects and initiatives for its successful implementation. UNDP/MGSDP supported the event to establish the participatory process of planning the strategic development of the city jointly by the local community and municipal officials.
In 2006, UNDP/Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme provided support to Novohrad-Volynsky City Council for establishment of the strategic planning system at local level. For this purpose, it involved the expert and consultancy support from Mr. Oleh Boyko-Boychuk, Territorial Development Consultant. As the result, the document “Strategic Guidelines of Development of Novohrad-Volynsky Municipality - 2007” was produced and accepted by the municipality for further elaboration and action.

In this context, on April 12-13th the business game “Development Strategy of Novohrad-Volynsky municipality” was conducted under support from UNDP/MGSDP with participation of the local deputies, community activists, representatives of UNDP/MGSDP, mayors of Korosten’ and Kamyanets-Podilskyy municipalies, high school students.

The business game lasted for two days during which the participants worked in a separate working groups, gathered information and diagnosed contradictions and problems which prevent the municipality from its development, defined aims and tasks of a “governmental team”, discussed which resource base should be used in order to reach success in the development of the municipality. The working groups developed concrete projects and initiatives to make the planned changes happen, and presented them to the rest of the participants in a form of a competition: each group’s project was rated by a jury which consisted of mayors of above stated municipalities and Mr. Oleh Boyko-Boychuk, the trainer.

As a result of the business game, a number of interesting projects was developed, for example, logistic park, transport and post museum which will lead out Novohrad-Volynskyy municipal development on a new high-grade level. Due to this training, the Strategic development Plan of Novohrad-Volynsky has become a practical document with measurable targets, and the community and its local government have established the practice of participatory planning.

“This event is very important for Novohrad-Volynskyy municipality. The city has some very good resources: beautiful nature, favourable geographical position, interesting history and these are preconditions of a great sucсess; you just need to plan how to reach this success together, in other words, have a strategic plan”, Mr. Oleh Boyko-Boychuk opined.

For more information, please contact Ms. Olena Ursu at tel (+38 044) 280-3007, or e-mail:

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