Local Volunteers Will Help to Prevent HIV/AIDS Spread in Mohyliv-Podilsky

18.05.2007   10:39
Mohyliv-Podilsky, May 15-16th: Over 50 local volunteers were trained by UNDP/MGSDP to further build their capacity on HIV/AIDS issues and prepare them for disseminating this knowledge among the local youth by peer-to-peer approach.
“In Mohyliv-Podilsky, there are 27 officially registered HIV-positive people, but we all know that, in fact, their number is much higher. Such factors as economic instability, unemployment growth, narcotization and prostitution intensify the critical situation and scale up HIV/AIDS epidemic. Knowing that Ukraine, unfortunately, occupies the first place in Europe by HIV/AIDS epidemic growth, we consider HIV/AIDS prevention critically important for our municipality, and in 2007 want to utilize the MGSDP model of awareness activities for this purpose”, said Lesya Suvalova, Director of the City Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth.

So, the newly created School Network of Mohyliv-Podilsky in cooperation with the City Centre of Social Services and other relevant stakeholders have planned a number of events for 2007 to raise the awareness of maximum population on critical issues of HIV/AIDS. The activities include video lectures in the local colleges to identify the local volunteers, train them on HIV/AIDS issues and peer-to-peer approach of transferring the knowledge, organizing the information campaign through the local media, social advertisements on bigboards, public informational festival and others. After the thematic video lectures in local colleges, over 50 representatives of the local youth decided to become volunteers.

On May 15th and 16th trainings for 2 groups of volunteers were conducted by UNDP/MGSDP. In course of these trainings, young people were listened to presentations on HIV/AIDS, ways of its transmission, debated various important issues related with the subject, watched the training video, discussed various attitudes existing in the society towards people living with HIV/AIDS and worked in groups to brainstorm the ways of raising public awareness on the subject among youths to promote the safe behaviour and healthy lifestyle. At the end of trainings, the volunteers expressed their commitment to assist the officials in their effort to prevent HIV/AIDS in the city.

Trained volunteers received sets of publications, informational materials, CDs and video films on various issues related with HIV/AIDS. This initiative of UNDP/MGSDP was supported by other UN projects and agencies. Special gratitude to UNDP project “Governance on HIV/AIDS” for their invaluable support in developing the contents of training and the informational materials provided for dissemination; to UNICEF for the provided video films “Positive Children”; and to UNAIDS for the brochures and specialised publications on the subject.

According with the arrangement of the School Network, in future the volunteers will conduct similar trainings in the local schools – members of the network – to further disseminate their knowledge. The impact of the joint efforts will be evaluated through the survey which will compare the level of current awareness with the changes made due to the conducted activities.

For further details, please contact Mrs. Olena Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel. 044 280 30 07, 280 37 19, or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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