Local youth to help Halych in achieving sustainable development goals

30.05.2007   18:27
Halych, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 29 May: A training for 25 local volunteers was conducted by UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme to build their capacity on sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS and gender and motivate for further dissemination of this knowledge among the local citizens.
“Halych is a small municipality with 6,500 inhabitants. Our town is not an exception from the problems that exist in other parts of our country. For us, having friendly relations between society and the nature to meet social and economic needs of local population is also very critical. We want to educate sound communities and ensure that local citizens enjoy equal rights and opportunities”, says Oksana Stefun’ko, Municipal Project Coordinator in Halych.

Therefore, the local Municipal Support Unit in Halych in cooperation with the local schools initiated the school contest “Halych Youth about the Sustainable Development of Society” as one of public awareness activities informing about sustainable development, HIV/AIDS, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and gender issues among the local youth.

For this purpose, a set of events has been planned, including the following:

Building capacity of the local schools students on the issues of sustainable development, HIV/AIDS, MDGs and gender through the lectures and thematic talks.

Organising a contest on the best essays or drawings on this subject to motivate youth for further independent research and learn their perception of sustainable development agenda.

Training for the local volunteers on sustainable development, MDGs, HIV/AIDS and gender issues to further disseminate knowledge among their peers and local citizens during the public festival on the Day of Youth.

Raise local citizens’ awareness on a wider scale through preparation of the thematic publications in media.

In general, Community Mobilisers prepared by UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme had dialogue with about 330 school students of 8th-11th grades and disseminated the leaflets on the above mentioned subjects. Moreover, 25 young volunteers were trained on May 29th and expressed their commitment to further disseminate this information in the municipality. It is expected that these activities will help local community members change their perception of HIV-positive people and decrease gender discrimination in the local society.

In course of these activities, UNDP/MGSDP used the informational materials kindly provided by UNDP-led project “Governance on HIV/AIDS”, UNICEF and UNAIDS, and wishes to thank the above mentioned agencies for their support to our partner municipalities.

For further details, please contact Mrs. Olena Ursu, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communications Expert, by tel. 044 280 30 07, 280 37 19, or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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