Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy and UNDP Ukraine explore partnership prospects

01.08.2007   16:27
Amidst a cordial meeting held on 31st July 2007, Mr. Vyacheslav Tolkovanov, Deputy Minister of Housing and Municipal Economy, and Ms. Joanna Kazana-Wisniowiecka, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Ukraine, agreed to initiate a formal partnership to improve living environment in Ukrainian cities. The meeting participants agreed that both parties often employ common approaches to raising living quality standards of Ukrainians.

During this meeting, Mr. Tolkovanov highlighted the objective of the Ministry to enhance quality of communal infrastructures and communal services through involvement of local community and local governments. “The Ministry has established a special fund to expedite this initiative in cooperation with its partners. We plan to create resource centres at regional and national level to build capacity of the local stakeholders. In addition, these will act as information hubs to enhance access of the citizens to information on sphere of communal services”, he said. Mr Tolkovanov expressed his confidence that the Ministry’s new approach would help change mindset of the people to take development responsibility in their own hands.

Ms. Kazana-Wisniowiecka appreciated the Ministry’s efforts and reiterated UNDP’s commitment in Ukraine to support the Government the areas of promoting democratic governance, poverty reduction, local development and human security, energy and environment. She presented various programmes and projects to the deputy minister, including Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme, Chernobyl Recovery and Development Programme, Crimea Integration and Development Programme undertaken by the UNDP in Ukraine in this area. “UNDP relies on the principle of partnership, especially in the framework of public-private partnership, to achieve concrete results and their sustainability”, emphasized Ms. Kazana-Wisniowiecka. “At local level, such partnership is effective with local communities and local governments. To make it happen, the niche of UNDP lies in knowledge transfer, ground-based policy making and coordination”.

Senior Programme Managers of UNDP Ukraine Mr. Sergei Volkov and Ms. Oksana Remiga spoke on this occasion about the proven effectiveness of community-based approach in urban and rural context respectively.

It is expected that based on the results of the meeting, the Memorandum of Understanding will be signed later this month between the Ministry and UNDP on joint activities for empowerment of the Ukrainian citizens through their participation in local development to enhance quality of communal infrastructures and communal services.

Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme was initiated in April 2004 to develop and demonstraye a participatory and transparent mechanism for localizing the principles of sustainable development. The objective of Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme is to promote democratic governance so as to improve living quality of people in urban areas of Ukraine. This objective is achieved under the framework of public private partnership

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