UNDP, Saky municipality to jointly promote gender equality at local level

13.03.2008   14:13
Saky, 11-12th of March: Awareness campaign on gender equality was launched in Saky municipality under support of UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme. It started from 2 trainings for the local stakeholders – 1 for 25 teachers of the local schools and 1 for 25 young leaders – school students and representatives of school parliaments.
Saky is a small municipality of Autonomous Republic of Crimea with population of about 26 thousand people. This internationally renowned resort has a traditional local society with typical gender stereotypes and low public awareness on gender issues. Officially, the municipality has not yet implemented any activities specifically devoted to gender. But having launched cooperation with UNDP/MGSDP in 2007, the local government realized the importance of public awareness on human development agenda, especially with regards to localizing and achieving the Ukrainian Millennium Development Goals. In this context, the local academic institutions were mobilized to start promoting gender for wider population, including school students, their families and teachers.

“On behalf of the city council, I am sincerely grateful to you for making your choice to participate in this training and be our assistants in further dissemination of this important knowledge. I hope that with the help of this initiative and other socially important actions we will awaken our small community”, said Oleh KLYUY, Saky Mayor welcoming the teachers of 6 local schools at the training.

In course of the training, Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Expert and gender focal point of the Programme, shared with the participants basic facts about the Ukrainian legislative and normative acts which regulate gender relations in the society, provided information about the gender-related problems in most spheres of social life, and organized discussion of the possible ways of overcoming typical gender stereotypes. Also, all the participants of training received the manual “Equality ABC” kindly provided by the UNDP-led Equal Opportunities Programme and were motivated to start gender lessons in their schools.

“The information provided to us was very interesting and useful, even for the personal life of each of us. Of course, we will use this knowledge and informational materials to talk about it to our pupils and our own children. But also, it would be great to know whether there are any TV-shows regularly analyzing various gender-related problems; in this case, there is a chance to draw attention of our men to these problems and help solve them together”, said Larysa AVDEEVA, director of the school #2.

During the training for the young leaders and representatives of schools parliaments, young people from the local schools learned basic facts about gender issues and related problems in the Ukrainian society, received the full packages of the informational materials, and committed themselves for further peer-to-peer dissemination of this knowledge among their classmates and friends.

“Before coming to this training, I did not know anything about gender issues, not even the meaning of this word itself. But now I understand why it is so important to talk about this issue to the young people. It may help to avoid many problems with their consequences, and establish harmony in relationships in families, small communities, and society in general”, said Emine MEDZHITOVA, head of the students’ committee of Saky High School.

In total, over 50 persons were trained on gender issues in Saky municipality. Also, the thematic articles and news reports were disseminated through the local media for wider outreach. It is expected that the trained representatives of the local academic institutions will continue disseminating this knowledge in their environment.

For more details, please contact Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGSDP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel: +38 (067) 290 36 42 or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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