UNDP supports Novovolynsk efforts to establish gender equality at local level

23.04.2008   13:37
22 April 2008, Novovolynsk (Volyn’ region): The training-workshop on “Gender Equality as a Feature of a Developed Society” was conducted for 22 local teachers and representatives of public in the premises of Novovolynsk branch of Ternopil’ National Economic University. This event opened the informational campaign “The Programme of Raising the Awareness of Youth on Gender” to be implemented under support of the Department of Youth and Sports of Volyn’ Regional State Administration and the UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme.
At first, Mrs. Olena Ursu – UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert – presented to the participants the issues of gender equality. Through presentations on the concept of gender, existing in Ukraine gender problems, social stereotypes related to the distribution of roles and duties of men and women, as well as through interactive exercises, the participants learned about the necessity of establishing the gender equality in the society.

The training participants also watched the video-film “Who Will Sing the Lullaby” about the experience of fathers and grandfathers taking the paternity leaves to look after their babies. During the discussion on the contents of this video-material, the participants concluded that if a woman has comparatively higher level of income, and a man wants to take personal care of educating his own child, - than the lack of understanding and the existing stereotypes can not stop the couple from such distribution of gender roles.

After that, Mrs. Oksana YAROSH – the candidate of political sciences, associate professor of Volyn’ National University named after Lesya Ukrayinka, Head of the Public Organisation “Gender Portrait of Volyn’ Region” – talked about the specificities of gender situation in the region based on the previously conducted research “Gender Portrait of Volyn’ Region” and about the public sector in this sphere. The participants watched the video-ad created by the public organisation “Gender Centre” with the purpose of attracting attention of wide public to the stereotypes related with the roles and duties of men and women. Also, Mrs. Yarosh told about the activities realized in this area by the Department of Family, Youth and Sports together with the public organisations in the region.

Finally, Mrs. Ol’ha LAKYSH – Director of the City Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth – concentrated the attention of the participants on the problems of conservative stereotypes related with gender roles and duties, and raised the idea of giving the lectures in the educational institutions of the city on the subject of gender equality and prevention of domestic violence.

At the end of the workship, Mr. Borys KARPUS – Head of the Board of the Youth Public Organisation “Perspective” – thanked everybody and invited to further cooperation informing about the other activities planned within this information campaign: conducting the open classes and thematic lessons in the educations institutions of the city, broadcasting the video-films in the local cinema, and organizing the city level debates with participation of the local youth.

For more details, please contact Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel. (067) 290 36 42 or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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