UNDP motivates communities for operation and maintenance of their property

25.04.2008   10:54
In April 2008, the UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme released a new publication on “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY”. These guidelines justify the necessity of operating and maintaining the property created or improved as a result of community efforts on projects’ implementation under the Programme’s support, and describe the legal and normative framework regulating such activities. The guidelines target, first of all, the citizens of multi-apartment buildings of the municipalities, but may be also utilized by the dwellers of private houses and members of public organisations of educational institutions in their context.
Since April 2004, the UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme in Ukraine supports local communities and builds their capacity to independently identify and solve their priority problems; mobilise resources; implement projects aimed at improving the living quality and ensuring sustainability of the achieved positive results of the projects’ implementation. For this purpose, the members of local communities create and register the proper organisation, and may initiate and implement the projects on construction or capital repair of the roofs, water supply systems, heating, sewerage, gas supply systems, warming of the buildings, installation of the energy saving windows, heating meters, construction of the playgrounds and sports grounds for children etc.

Traditionally, task of maintaining communal infrastructures and delivering communal services lies with concerned municipal departments. However, after going through the process of project implementation, the community members learn that it would be better to maintain the system by themselves for ever to retain achieved success and improved living environment rather than trying again and again to get them fixed by outsiders. Moreover, focus of Ukrainian government to involve citizens in local development under framework of decentralisation and to promote private sector in service delivery has expanded the authority of organised communities to seek options and get quality services for themselves.

“Being an owner of a flat in a multi-apartment building, one is also a co-owner of all other parts and systems of the building in which that flat is located. In accordance with the Article 382 of Civil Code of Ukraine, this imposes an obligation on each owner to keep in good condition not only purchased or privatized apartment but also other parts of the housing complex. Proper maintenance of the building helps to prevent it from the deterioration, and even may increase the market value of the privately owned apartment by hundreds of dollars. Therefore, living quality will improve and maintenance cost may decline only if you start thinking as an owner and act together with other owners of apartments in the building you live”, says Leonid TULOVSKY, UNDP/MGCEP Quality Management Officer, one of the authors of the guidelines.

This new opportunities are recently evolved. Policies / procedures to utilise them are not well known to local population. People often lack knowledge and skill to set up appropriate institutional mechanism to ensure sustainable service delivery from the output of the project implemented by them. They also lack technical, administrative and financial skills to maintain and manage the system. UNDP/MGCEP, with support from partner municipalities, provides training to the beneficiary communities to this end. However, a strong need of guidelines was felt to assist them in this process as and when needed. From this very perspective, the recommendations on “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY” have been developed. It is based on practical experience across Ukraine and several other countries.

These guidelines are primarily dedicated to serve the need of multi-apartment buildings. But the contents are equally applicable to the dwellers of private houses along the same street and members of public organisations of schools or kindergartens as well, with appropriate adaptation.

The publication is available for everybody; it may be downloaded from the section “Publications” at UNDP/MGCEP web-site by the following link: .

For more details, please contact Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel. (067) 290 36 42, or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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