International UNDP practitioners recognize MGCEP’s experience on applying the human rights based approach

05.05.2008   12:57
On April 28-30th, 2008 the presentation on the experience of UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme (UNDP-MGCEP) regarding applying the human rights based approach and gender mainstreaming was made for participants of the Human Rights and Justice Community of Practice meeting organised in Geneva, Switzerland by UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre.
The Human Rights and Justice Community of Practice meeting this time was organized to enhance UNDP focal point’s knowledge of the UN human rights machineries (including the Human Rights Council) to understand the opportunities and support processes at national level; explore partnership opportunities with different UN agencies and other organisations working in the area of human rights and justice; and develop a Human Rights and Justice Community of Practice vision and steps forward.

As a part of this meeting, the toolkit "Human Rights-Based Approach and Gender Mainstreaming Issues into the Local Development Programmes" has been launched. The toolkit incorporates the UNDP corporate policy about the two cross-cutting areas like human rights based approach and gender mainstreaming, and offers some tools to enable application of these two approaches in the local development programming. The Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme of UNDP in Ukraine contributed to elaboration of the toolkit by sharing concrete tools and methodologies it utilizes in the partner municipalities. These experiences were incorporated by UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre into the toolkit as case studies and success stories.

In this context, Mrs. Olena Ursu, UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert, participated in the Community of Practice meeting to make presentation on the Programme’s experience, and the benefits of applying the human rights based approach and mainstreaming gender into the Programme’s activities. As the approach requires, the Programme activities are designed to benefit the city councils as the duty-bearers and the local communities as the right-holders in order to strengthen municipal governance and improve the living quality of citizens in urban Ukraine through promoting participation of the local communities (of citizens, educational institutions, NGOs, small businesses) in decision-making process on local development.

Concrete tools used for this purpose included the following: 1) at the stage of assessment and analysis – local situation analysis and vulnerability analysis; 2) at capacity and building assessment – training for municipality officials on community mobilisation for local sustainable development action and training for community-based organisations on participation mechanisms; Information and Communication Technologies capacity strengthening; 3) at monitoring and evaluation – creation of the Municipal Sustainable Development Councils as forums of participatory planning and monitoring of local development initiatives and projects; activities of the Quality Supervision Committees; public audits of the implemented projects and participatory assessment of the community-based organisations.

MGCEP is ready to share its experience and information available from the meeting with all those involved in process of local governance and community-based development in Ukraine.

For more details, please contact Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel. (067) 290 36 42, or via e-mail:

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