UNDP and SDC support cities in sharing experience on improving local public service delivery

12.05.2008   14:42
June 2008, Voznesensk (Mykolayiv region): The UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme will organise the exposure visit for the City Mayors and other local decision-makers to Voznesensk aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences on community-based municipal development. This activity is supported by the Swiss Agency on Development and Cooperation to strengthen the inter-municipal cooperation in Ukraine and promote the participatory governance and development in cities.
One of the objectives of the UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme is to build the capacity of civil servants and officials at regional and municipal level to improve local public service delivery. In 2006, the Programme supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation organized 3 exchange visits for knowledge transfer between the municipalities of Eastern/Southern and Western Ukraine to develop recommendations on creation of favourable environment for the stakeholders from both regions to gain from each other’s experience in context of social, economic and environmental governance and develop a sense of mutual respect and cohesion.

Up to 150 participants including mayors, deputy mayors and other local decision-makers who participated in the exchange visits recommended, among others, further developing and strengthening participatory governance and development in cities by means of inter-municipal collaboration and sharing the most remarkable experience in the area of local self-government.

In this context, the Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment Programme under support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation announces that in June 2008 similar exchange visit will be organized for the local decision-makers to Voznesensk municipality (Mykolayiv region) which has been a Programme’s partner since 2006. Since then, it has gained significant experience on establishing the effective activities of the department of City Council on supporting municipal initiatives and investments, utilizing various tools and mechanisms of involving the local communities to the decision-making process, promoting creation of the associations of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings for solving the problems of housing and communal sector and public organizations for improving the learning environment in schools and kindergartens, setting up of the quality management system for municipal services in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001:2000, etc.

We invite the City Mayors or the other decision-makers from the municipalities of Western part of Ukraine (preferably) to participate in this visit and benefit from the sharing experiences with other cities of Ukraine on important agenda of human development (costs related with participation in this event will be covered by the Programme).

A roundtable will be conducted as part of this visit to develop recommendations on community empowerment and improving the local public service delivery for the nation-wide adoption of the community-based local development approach in Ukraine.

For more detailed information, or to apply for participation in the exposure visit, please contact Mrs. Olena URSU, UNDP/MGCEP Monitoring and Communication Expert, by tel. (067) 290 36 42 or via e-mail: olena.ursu@undp.org.ua

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