Activities of the Project "Every Drop Matters"


In Ukraine realization of the EDM project started in 2009. During 2009-2010, 15 natural springs were rehabilitated in the villages of 12 oblasts of Ukraine. Conditions of the springs were significantly improved due to mobilization of the efforts of community members, local authorities, business and international organizations.  In order to cultivate responsible attitude to water resources, trainings were held for almost 300 pupils. 

In 2011-2012 “Every Drop Matters” project was implemented in the cities by UNDP project “Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme”. The following results were achieved:

1. Trainings for responsible attitude to water resources:

a)       Trainings for teachers and other members of school communities on the methodology of teaching the endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine course “Lessons for Sustainable Development”. 19 trainings on rational attitude to water were held for 504 teachers of local schools.

b)       Trainings for pupils “Responsible attitude to water”. 5 trainings for 127 pupils were held in the UNDP/MGSDP partner municipalities, implementing projects on springs rehabilitation.

2. Capacity development of local communities on implementation of initiatives for sustainable development through mobilization of efforts for rehabilitation of natural springs and creating recreation zones around them (community projects).

10 community projects on rehabilitation of natural springs were supported in 6 cities of Ukraine, namely: 2 projects in Ivano-Frankivsk municipality, 2 projects in Dolyna municipality (Ivano-Frankivska oblast’), 3 projects in Novograd-Volynsky municipality (Zhytomyrska oblast’), 1 project in Rivne, Tulchyn (Vinnytska oblast’) and Litochky village (Kyivska oblast’).

3. Communication and PR activities

7 street boards were produced and placed in the municipalities, where community projects on natural springs rehabilitation were implemented; educational video about EDM project and importance of keeping natural water resources clean for the next generations was filmed, presented and disseminated; 11 awareness raising campaigns devoted to promotion of responsible and careful attitude to water resources supported in UNDP/MGSDP partner municipalities (in the framework of info campaigns the following activities were supported: production of video- and audio-spots, booklets and leaflets, conduction of events on cleaning of river banks, conduction of brain-rings, trainings for pupils and teachers etc).


In September 2012 the second phase of EDM project was officially announced. The project will support the following activities: 


1.Rehabilitation of natural water springs and banks clean-up and improvement.

Projects are implemented on a cost-sharing basis: 80% of the project cost is provided by the donor, 20% - is shared by a community based organization and city/settlement/village council.

2. Awareness and educational component includes the following activities:

    - awareness campaigns aimed at promoting rational attitude to water resources (production of short audio and video clips, preparation of information materials, articles, leaflets, conduction of competitions among students and pupils of the kindergartens etc);
  - trainings on rational attitude to water resources for teachers / schoolchildren / kids at kindergartens;
  - special priority will be given to awareness projects with social media engagement.

Projects are implemented on a cost-sharing basis: 90% of the project cost is provided by the donor, 10% - is shared by a community based organization and city/settlement/village council.

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