Mission Statement



     Ukraine is going through a period of transition. Building upon lessons and valuable practices of the past, it is heading towards achieving sound social, economic and ecological dimensions.
Over 60% of the Ukrainian population lives in cities with potential opportunities for employment and conducive living. But they face many difficulties amidst these opportunities. These difficulties are reflected in social, economic and ecological problems that have a deep influence on quality of life, such as quality of environment, quality of health and educational services, access to public and municipal services, and obstacles to economic development and job creation. Responsibility to ensure delivery of services for quality living conditions lies mainly with the municipalities, which are constrained by experience, skills and resources in tackling these problems within a decentralized environment.

     The goal of the UNDP-led Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme is to promote participatory governance so as to improve living quality of the people in urban Ukraine. To this end, focus of the Programme is placed on following outputs:
· Improving capacity of central government to decentralise fiscal and administrative powers / responsibilities in support of local development.
· Improving capacity of local authorities to transparently define and implement local development strategies, deliver public services, and foster local economic development.
· Enhancing capacity of communities to realize improvements in local social, economic and environmental conditions.
     UNDP/MGSDP was initiated in April 2004, as a preparatory phase, to develop a participatory and transparent mechanism for localizing the principles of sustainable development. It entered into second phase in 2005 to demonstrate the effectiveness of public private partnership for resolving local social, economic and environmental problems. The second phase will end by 31 December 2007. The Programme is being executed by UNDP. It is registered with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. The third phase of the Programme “Municipal Governance and Community Empowerment” is implemented during 2008-2010.
MGSDP is a part of Local Development Programme (LDP) of UNDP/Ukraine, along with other UNDP projects namely Crimean Integration and Development Programme, Chernobyl Recovery and Development Programme, Community-Based Approach to Local Development and Human Security for Youth. LDP is envisaged to serve as umbrella programme to promote self-sustained local development and democratic local governance in Ukraine by means of a community-based sustainable development model.    

     Key partners are city councils; local communities; Parliamentary Committee on State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government; Ministry of Housing and Municipal Economy of Ukraine; Ukrainian Association of Local and Regional Authorities; universities and state bodies like oblast state administrations.
     Strategically, the Programme is implemented under partnership arrangement founded on commitment for resource sharing, ownership and sustainability. The Programme activities are executed through local and national partners from public and private sectors. 
     Using social mobilisation approach, the Programme promotes appropriate institutions of the local communities of citizens, academia, small businesses and civil society organisations in the selected municipalities. These institutions are founded on the principles of self-help and good governance. Through the Programme intervention, their institutional capacity is built such that they are able to plan, mobilise resources and undertake their priorities to solve their social, economic and environmental problems in a sustainable way that ultimately lead towards accomplishment of Ukrainian Millennium Development Goals. It happens with support from the respective city councils and other national/international development agencies. The city councils integrate communities’ plan in their own development agenda and contribute resources to implement such plans. The process of local sustainable development is bottom up in true sense. It moves from local level all the way up to national level.


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