Yevpatoriya (AR Crimea)

Implementing Partner Project Name Initiation Date
Civil Society Organisation “Opikunska Rada “Spryjannia” Gimnazii No 8” on 22 Sytnikova Street in Yevpatoriya municipality “Capital repair of toilets, replacement of water supply and sewage systems’ old pipes” 2010-07-01
Civil Society Organisation “Opikunska Rada “Spektr” of school No 11 on 21 Peremogy Avenue in Yevpatoriya municipality “Replacement of heating system old pipes in the 1st floor pipe duct” 2010-07-01
Civil Society Organisation “Pikluvalna Rada “Turbota” of school No 12 on 51 Hlibna Street in Yevpatoriya municipality “Replacement of heating system old pipes in basement” 2010-07-01
Civil Society Organisation “Pikluvalna Rada Yevpatorijskogo navchalno-vyhovnogo kompleksu “Shkola No 14 – Litsei” on 5 Poltavska Street in Yevpatoriya municipality “Capital repair of toilets, replacement of water supply and sewage systems’ old pipes” 2010-07-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Budivelnyk” of Yevpatoria municipality “Replacement of old pipes of hot water supply and heating systems” 2010-08-01
Fellowship of co-owners of 36 apartment house ”Merkuriy’” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Replacement of old windows in entrances of the community house” 2011-11-04
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Budivelnyk” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Replacement of heating systems’ old pipes in two houses” 2011-11-04
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Sanatorska, 8/11” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Repair of courtyard sewage system” 2012-04-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Serpen 14-16” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Capital repair of gable roof” 2012-05-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Promin” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Replacement of water supply and sewage systems’ old pipes” 2012-05-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Kniaz 4” of Yevpatoriya municipality “Repair of courtyard sewage system” 2012-07-01

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