Dolyna (Ivano-Frankivska oblast)

Implementing Partner Project Name Initiation Date
"Pid Lypoju na Pushkina 8" - Association of co-owners of multiapartment house on 8 Pushkina Street in Dolyna Repair and heat-retention lagging of external walls 2009-06-30
"Zatyshna Oselia na Nezalezhnosti 2" - Association of co-owners of multiapartment house on 2 Nezalezhnosta Street in Dolyna Capital repair of foundation walls and basement premises 2009-07-01
Charitable organization "Guardian council of kindergarten "Sonechko" in Dolyna Installation of heat-loss preventing PVC windows and doors 2009-10-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Kashtan na Obliskah” of Dolyna municipality “Draining and waterproofing of foundation walls” 2010-10-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house “Oblisky-Zatyshok” of Dolyna municipality “Capital repair of gable roof” 2010-07-01
Charitable organization “Pikluvalna rada of kindergarten “Zolota Rybka”, Dolyna municipality “Installation of heat loss reducing PVC windows and doors” 2010-12-01
Association of co-owners of multiapartment house ”Zatyshna Oselia na Nezalezhnosti, 2’” of Dolyna municipality “Replacement of old windows in entrances of the community house” 2011-08-01
Civil Society Organization “Centr pidtrymky ta rozvytku reform” of Dolyna municipality “Rehabilitation of a natural spring located in Dolyna city parking zone” 2011-08-01
Civil Society Organization “Centr pidtrymky ta rozvytku reform” of Dolyna municipality “Rehabilitation of natural spring located at the Dolyna city suburb grove” 2011-08-01
Dolyna City Council “Construction of bicycle paths and parking lot” 2012-09-01

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