Rivne Partner Municipality created a video about the success of the Municipal Sustainable Development Programme

03.09.2012   10:38


September 3, Rivne-Kyiv: Rivne partner municipality of UNDP Project "Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme" shot a video on  internalization of  community based approach promoted by the project. Local Municipal Sustainable Development Programme Rivne for 2009-2012 was adopted in Rivne, which is based on community-based approach, the principle of co-financing community projects, sustainable development. This example is a real success of internalization of  UNDP/MGSDP approach.


Community-based approach turned out to be extremely efficient and Rivne city council decided to  apply this approach and mechanism for implementation of the local community projects without the financial support of donors (at the expense of the City Council and local communities). The experience reveals that local problems are effectively addressed if local authorities involve local communities.


In order to achieve sustainable local development and considering elaborated mechanisms and lessons learned , Rivne esorities i if the city  articipated in the  до стандарту ISO 9001:2008.  developed Municipal Sustainable Development Programme for 2009 - 2012 (MSDP). The programme was approved by the city council on 15.04.2009 № 2278. The purpose of MSDP was mobilize  public-private partnership, community participation, involve the citizens to solving local socio - economic and environmental problems.


In the video Volodymyr Khomko, Rivne Mayor said: "This is my favorite programme. I think this is the most successful program implemented in the city and want to say that this year we have allocated UAH  4.7 million. For all municipal  utilities, we have allocated UAH 6.6 million. Imagine the scale of this project! 29 community projects were supported which  have value in terms of energy and resource efficiency. Unfortunately, this year there were more applicatnts than funds available, so we will decide how to increase support of this program next year. "

Video can be viewed here.

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